Saturday, August 31, 2019

Technological Change and Economic Growth 1750 – 1900

We can start from sentence that Great Britain with whole confidence was the country which technology dominated on international market in the time of first and second Industrial Revolution. There is no doubt that economical growth of it definitely made it superior to other countries. Why it happened to be like this? We can mention right away few reasons for that state, namely geographical localization and communication made it not only independent from Continental problems but also derived fresh ideas and solutions.Moreover political system made government to care deeply about property rights of Britain citizens, what encouraged them even more for being innovative. In economical and social perspective dominating factors are practical skills of labour force and openness for foreign technical abilities despite of inventors social and religious status. Nevertheless it is not enough, so in further part of this essay there is enclosured explanation for that situation. We have to treat tec hnology as a phenomenon determined by many factors, not only ability of human for being creative and practical.Following this thought it is crucial to start from trying firstly to understand technology in general, elaborating topic by factors which made Great Britain economy dominating to other European countries, finishing with specified innovations which made Britain economy grow. We can say that statements like â€Å"necessity is the mother of invention† do not have really sense in this context. On the contrary we can say that â€Å"invention is the mother of necessity† given the fact that new technologies often give rise to unrecognised desires.The demand for technology is derived because it depends on demand of goods and services that technology helps to produce. Technology change is principally produced because of new ideas that are born in a way that is difficult to predetermine and completely understand. It can be that demand focuses the direction of these new ideas, but is sure that it does not determine the creativity of societies. Cannot be said that demand is not important in this context, but that there are not going to be a symmetry between supply and demand in the production of technological progress.By 1700 Europe was already richer than non European countries, one explanation of that is technological progress. Technology influences a lot the income of the states and its success. Technology and its development is a really complex thing to explain and understand. This complexity derives because of the cultural influence. For existing technology development we need a cultural predisposition and preparation that does not occur in all societies. Investing in technology is also expensive.In the period of the Industrial revolution there were a lot of things that make this kind of research difficult, such as, high costs, a groups of individuals willing to absorb large risks and wait a lot of years for the pay off, etc. Risk aversion and leisure preference are thus what determine the rate of innovation in a particular society. The total cost of adopting a new technique consists of two parts: private costs paid by investors and the social costs paid by society as a whole. Social costs usually exceeded the private costs. There is nothing natural and inevitable about technological progress.Most societies experienced that , but only the West was able to transform it in a mechanism of continuous expansion. Technologically creative societies in the past and in the present create â€Å"free lunch† benefits. At the end, it all depends on the combination of luck, brilliance and perseverance. Nevertheless in every society exists a need of stability. The sentiment more representative of this is â€Å" if it ain't broke, don't fix it†, the arch-enemy of technological progress. Technological conservatism refers to the tendency to adopt a certain technique only because it happened to be used in a previous period.On the collective level it is possible for societies to be conservative even when individuals are not. This happens when well organised interest groups in a society have a stake in maintaining the status quo in the face of superior alternative. Technological conservatism produces an economic inertia; pervasive influence of the status quo, tradition, custom, routine, and adherence to precedent were powerful obstacles to innovation and advances. Technological changes is like a game against nature. Invention occurs at the level of individual creativity.What makes them implement, improve and adapt new technologies in the way that they carry out their daily work, depends on the institutions and the attitudes around them. It is this the way that the level of technological changes is transformed from invention – a game against nature, to innovation – â€Å"positive-sum game with many players and very incomplete information†. Mokyr makes an analysis of which factors help d etermine the prosperity of the member of the society to invent and which factors make others want to adopt his or her inventions.There are many things that influence technological progress and if it is going to be realised, how, in which kind of societies, culture, and conditions. Mokyr explains that life expectancy is an important factor for technological progress. People who live short have little time or incentive to generate new knowledge. Another important thing is the nutrition. It is reasonable to expect that in societies in which hidden hunger is rampant, initiative and ambition, necessary for economic progress will be harder to find. Willingness to bear risks also affects society's ability to produce innovative individuals.In the past the risk was bigger than today, experimenting new techniques or crops might well have entailed a risk of starvation. Also geographical environment is important, few of the environmental factors are either strictly necessary or sufficient, they are permissive rather then causal in direct sense. Another factor is â€Å"path dependency† in which the views, that technological change depends primarily on, is past. Technological change tends to be local, that is, learning occurs primarily around techniques in use, and thus more advance economies will learn more about advanced techniques and stay at the cutting edge of progress (David, 1975).High wages and labour scarcity stimulated technological creativity (Habakkuk thesis, 1962). Religion can see at this kind of changes like something that goes against nature and what God creates for us. To make technological changes effective and sustainable, the authorities must relinquish their direct control over the innovative process and decentralise it. This is the opportunity for successful innovators to enrich themselves. It is difficult to determine what kind of political structure is most conducive to technological progress.Strong centralized governments may have been able t o resist the pressures exerted by technological status quo. It is equally possible that a weak government leave the decision to market forces. Another reason politics matters is that technological changes is notoriously subject to market failure, that is, the free market system left on its own is unlikely to produce a desirable level of innovation. So for making technological changes we need openness to new information and adaptation.Wilkinson proposes an original theory connecting population, the physical environment and the rate of technological change (1973). Such theory says that technological changes occur when the ecological equilibrium between population and resource is disturbed. When population growth occur â€Å"society will try to find ways of developing its technology to increase the yield from its environment† The British Industrial revolution, in his view, was the result of acute resource shortages resulting from the resurgence in population growth in the last t hird of eighteen century.This interpretation does not really have connection with reality, because technological innovation simply had nothing to do with ecological pressures and occurs in societies in which population was in fact more or less stagnant. So let take a look on the other factors which determined the situation. After 1750 the Industrial Revolution was initially concentrated primarily in Britain. In this period a deep gap between Europe and Great Britain had existed. In this part of essay we are trying to find an answer why the Industrial Revolution had appeared in Britain, comparing all process of technological changes in Britain and the rest of Europe.Technological success depended on both, the presence of positive elements and on the absence of negative ones. Among the positive factors, the generation of technological ideas and the ability to implement them seem a point natural enough from which to start. The generation of ideas was often an international effort. The British were prominent in providing techno-Britons. Yet Britain’s relative role in invention was smaller than its corresponding role in implementation. Many important inventions that can be attributed to Continental inventors found their successful implementation in Britain.There are many difference between Britain and the Continent that helped Britain to establish its head start. It needs to be divided for few parts: geographical, economical, political, social and technical aspects. Let’s start from geographical situation – location of Great Britain is perfect for sea – trade development. Also having a lot of colonies almost on over the world, favors to create a ideal conditions for big technological changes. Because of Britain’s location Britain alone among the large European economies constituted a comparatively unified market in which goods and people moved easily.Compared to the European Continent, Britain had excellent internal transportation , canals and roads provided it with a network unequalled by any Continental nation, with the possible exception of the Netherlands. As the technology of building roads and canals improved in the 18th, Britain became an integrated market system, in which size and integration is very crucial. Market integration has a more profound effect on the diffusion of new techniques. British political system is also cause of the Industrial Revolution.Perhaps the most distinguishing feature of Britain was that its government was one of, by, and for property owners. Very important issue here is effect of patent laws on inventive activity. If we compare patent law in Britain with the rest of the Continent we’ll see deep gap between them. British patent law dates from 1624, whereas France did not have a similar law until 1791, and most other European countries established patent laws only in the early 19th century. Generally, property rights allowed the inventor to capture a larger part of th e social benefits of his invention.Also crucial factor was its endowment of skilled labour at the onset of the Industrial Revolution. By the middle of the 18th century, Britain had at its disposal a large number of technicians and craftsman who could carry out the mundane but indispensable construction details of the â€Å"new contrivances†. This skills rested on an informal and antiquated system of apprenticeship and on-the-job training – they had little to do with schooling. They had got more practice skills. The best example here is clock- and watchmaking and also shipping sector.By contrast with France, Britain welcomed men of technical ability whatever their religious persuasions. Landes wrote that France had been â€Å"crippled by the exodus of some of its best practitioners fleeing a wave of anti-protestant bigotry†. Besides this two sectors also mining helped to prepare the skills and dexterity necessary for the Industrial Revolution. Pumps and transport equipment were crucial to mining, and both the steam engine and the iron rail were built first for use in the mines.By the end of the 17th century, British mining and metallurgical technology was still ‘between a hundred and hundred and fifty years behind the best practice techniques of the Continent’. By 1760, it was at the forefront of Europe in these areas, giving it a technological advantage. Furthermore, in Britain the number of engineers and mechanics was sufficiently large to allow interaction with each other – interaction among engineers, scientists and businessmen created a total that was larger than the sum of its individual components.Technological change and the creation of new information are processes that do not obey the laws of arithmetic. On the other hand, Britain did not have a significant scientific advantage that would explain technological leadership: as Kuhn notes, the traditional view that British science was predominantly experimental an d mechanical, whereas French science was largely mathematical and deductive seems to have withstood the test of time.Thanks that a lot of inventions was coming into existence in Great Britain. Which are described in the next part. There are some conditions to have a technological change, first of all an opportunity for improvement owning to the inadequacy of prevailing techniques or a need for improvement due to an autonomous factors price increase, the new technique must also pay sufficiently to cover the costs of the change.The technological change focuses on tree principal sectors: energy, cotton spinning and iron making; in this part we are just trying to report those changes which have had enormous consequences in the production system of this period. One of the most frequent symbols of the industrial revolution is the steam energy, stem energy is probably one of the most revolutionary invention ever made and allow a controlled conversion of heat in work, any way it’s im pact before 1850 on the industry productivity was limited.Before 1830 the use of steam energy could be substitute by alternative sources, especially water power, which technique improved also a lot during this years, an example of this came from the Swiss production of iron before 1830,based on water energy and caracole, the Swiss iron was more expensive but can compete with the British one by saving transport costs and because of his quality. A second industry which also were protagonist of lots of important changes in the production is the cotton spinning industry, we can connect this change to tree names, first: Richard Arkwright, the inventor of the throstle†, this technique allow a faster production ( from 6 to 24 time faster) and at the same time a high quality product. The second name is James Hargreaves, the inventor of the â€Å"spinning jenny†, this technique twisted the yarn by rotating spindles that pulled the rowings from their bobbins, with metal draw bars playing the role of human fingers. The spinning jenny is a quite small machine but made the spinning process about 100 times faster.The third inventor is Samuel Crompton who combined the â€Å"throstle† and the â€Å"jenny† technique crating the mule, a machine able to produce with the â€Å"jenny† speed a high quality product like the one of the â€Å"throstle†, with this invention Britain can definitely compete with the Indian fine quality yarn. A third sector characterizing the industrial revolution is the iron sector; this is probably due to it’s nature of general purpose material, which had no substitute at that time. The first type of iron was the â€Å"pig iron†, produced with a high carbon level that makes it rigid, hard and fragile.In 1710 were introduced the coke smelting iron, but until 1750 this new product was not widely used; the reduced costs of pig-iron allowed the use of cast iron in many more applications, especially in co nstructions. In this case the innovation is not due to the costs of the material but to his resistance to fire hazard, caused by an increase in the use of steam energy in the textile mills. In 1785 Henry Cort introduces the puddling and rolling techniques, Cort combinate the reverberatory furnaces used in glass making with groowed rollers and start using coke as fuel.Reassuming in few sentences, important is to remember how big role had played urbanisation, demographical growth and a little bit to colonialism. We cannot concentrate only to already mentioned issues, but nevertheless they are those which dominate along whole situation, according to specification in topic of technological development. All in all Britain’s domination was the effect of multiply variables which strengthen its position for few centuries.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process Essay

Course Description This Field Study course 2 is designed to provide FS students with opportunities to connect teaching-learning theories and principles discussed I the six-unit courses in Principles of Teaching 1 and 2 with actual classroom practice. It is intended to help the FS student observe how these principles of teaching and learning are applied by the resource teacher to make the teaching-learning process interactive, meaningful, exciting and enjoyable Field Study can be anchored on the following Professional Education subjects. Principles of Teaching 1 and Principles of Teaching 2 Educational Technology 1 (partly) Objectives 1. Arrive at an experiential knowledge and understanding of the principles of teaching and learning 2. Reflect on the application of the principles of teaching and learning for meaningful and lasting learning 3. Determine how the guiding principles in lesson objective formulation are applied in the teaching-learning process 4. Acquire the skill in developing cognitive skill and value lessons meaningfully and interestingly by an in depth treatment of the subject matter and by integrating thinking skills. 5. Apply the guiding principles in the selection of teaching strategies. 6. Identify the teaching approach employed. 7. Trace the logical development of a lesson. 8. Identify effective questioning and reacting techniques. EPISODE 1 – PRINCIPLES OF LEARNING Name of FS Student______________________________________________________ Course________________________ Year & Section____________________________ Resource Teacher 1_____________ Signature_______________ Date Resource Teacher 2_____________ Signature_______________ Date Resource Teacher 3_____________ Signature _______________ Date Cooperating School______________________________________________________ My Target When I observe three different classes. I will be able to identify application of the principles of learning in the teaching-learning process. Observation Sheet Name of the Resource Teachers Observed: Muriel Criselda Delmo School Address: B 1 L3 Panorama Ville Mariquita Sta Rosa City Laguna Grade/Year Level: Kinder 1 Principles of Teaching Teaching Behavior of the Teacher/ Learning Behavior of the Learner as Proof of the Application of the Principles of Learning 1. Learning is an experience which occurs inside the learner and is activated by the learner 1. The teacher lets the learner do the learning activity 2. Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning and relevance of ideas. 2. This is somewhat the same with principle number one. Learners can easily understand concepts if these are relevant to their needs and problems. Hence, as teachers, we must relate the lesson to the learners’ needs, interests and problems. 3. Learning is a consequence of exercises  use experiential learning as much as possible period 4. Learning is a cooperative and collaborative process.  Learners will learn more if they are given chances to work together and share ideas. Make use of group activities. 5. Learning is a evolutionary process  Learning especially if this means a change in behavior does not happen in a click. This requires time and diligence. So as teachers, is patient? Be patient. Be patient. Be patient. 6. Learning is sometimes a painful process This means that learning requires sacrifice, hard work, study time. Let the learners realize this okay? 7. One of the richest resources for the learning is the learner himself Let’s not be too â€Å"centered† upon ourselves. Let’s draw the discussion not only on our own experiences as teachers but on the learners’ experiences as well. Listen and let the learners share their prior knowledge, stories, information, etc that can enrich the learning process.  Encourage free sharing inside the classroom. 8. The process of learning is emotional as well as intellectual Learners can’t learn that much if they have something that is bothering their minds. These can be problems and worries they have either in or out of the classroom. Thus, as teachers, let us be sensitive to our students’ problems. We can’t teach learners with empty stomachs remember? 9. The process of problem solving and learning are highly unique and individual Make use of different teaching strategies that can cater multiple intelligences and learning styles. My Analysis 1. What is the impact of the resource teacher observance of these principles on the teaching-learning process and on the learners? 2. Which learning principles was applied most? 3. Which learning principle was applied least or not applied? Do you agree with these principles of learning? Or have you discovered that they are always correct. My Reflection 1. My reflections on my observation of my teacher’s observance of these principles. Did my Resource Teacher adhere to these principles. 2. Lesson I have learned from my observations on the classroom application of the principles of learning. EPISODE 2 – LESSON OBJECTIVES AS MY GUIDING STAR Name of FS Student______________________________________________________ Course________________________ Year & Section____________________________ Resource Teacher 1_____________ Signature_______________ Date Resource Teacher 2_____________ Signature_______________ Date Resource Teacher 3_____________ Signature _______________ Date Cooperating School______________________________________________________ My Target In this Episode, I must be able to: Deduce the lesson objectives after observing my Resource Teachers teach. See how the guiding principles in the formulation of lesson objectives are applied Realize the importance of a clearly defined lesson objective. 1.As I observe a class, I will use the observation Sheet for a more focused observation. Observation Sheet  Name of the Resource Teachers Observed: Muriel Criselda Delmo School Address: B 1 L3 Panorama Ville Mariquita Sta Rosa City Laguna Grade/Year Level: Kinder 1 Guiding Principles in Determining and Formulating Learning Objectives Teaching Behavior which prove/s Observance of the Guiding Principle 1. Begin with the end in mind 1. The resource teacher began her lesson by starting her objective 2. Share lesson objective with students 3. Lesson objectives must be in the 2 or 3 domains – cognitive, skill and affective or cognitive and affective or skill and affective 4. Work on significant and relevant lesson objectives. 5. Lesson objectives must lead to the development of critical and creative thinking 2. After observing your resource teacher teach, write down what you think was/ were her lesson objective. 3. Ask permission from your resource teacher for you to copy her lesson objective for the day’s lesson. Copy it here then compare it with your answer in #. Are they the same? Different? My Analysis 1. If answer in # 3 above is different, what is your conclusion regarding written lesson objective and actual lesson development? Are the lesson objectives in the lesson plan always followed? Do they really serve as guiding star? 2. Why did you find it easy/ Difficult to write down the resource teacher’s lesson objective for the day? Did he mention it at the beginning of the lesson? 3. Did you find the lesson objective SMART? Why or why not? 4. Was the lesson objective in the cognitive or psychomotor or affective domain? Or was it in two or three domains? Support your answer. My Reflections Any lesson learned or insights gained from your observations focused on lesson objective? Write them down here. Are lesson objectives truly the guiding star in the development of a lesson? Or are lesson objectives sometimes forgotten as the lesson develops.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Feasibility Study Essay

* 1. A Feasibility Study on the Establishment of a Semi-Commercial Hogs Farm in Alfonso, Cavite The LGD Farms * 2. CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION * 3. In the Philippines, pork is one of the basic foods which Filipinos eat. It is one of the best sources of protein needed by the body to be strong and healthy. That is why a need for a farm arises. Introduction * 4. Hog raising business has been a very popular and dependable business in the Philippines. In fact, Hog raising business had dominated the swine industry as a healthy and viable commercial sector.Even in our traditional Filipino Festival/Occasion, Filipinos always crave for cuisine with â€Å"PORK†. â€Å"Di kompleto ang Okasyon kung walang handang baboy†. * 5. This statement had marked our traditional way of celebrating special occasions in our lives, and it proved our undying taste for pork. The Philippine Department of Agriculture’s vision is to modernized smallholder agriculture and fisheries to a diversified rural economy which would be dynamic, technologically advanced and internationally competitive. * 6. As of July 2008, it was recoded at 35.6% of the labor force, roughly around 12 million people, are employed in the agriculture industry, which includes the hunting and forestry sectors. The situation being such, the agriculture sector aims for security, sustainability of the natural resource base, social equity and global competitiveness. * 7. The Philippines takes specific measures to achieve these goals through the protection and development of watersheds; proper management of agricultural land and water resources; establishment of biogas facilities; providing marginalized sectors preferential access to productive assets and providing essential measures and support services. * 8. Vision The LGD Farms envisions itself as a hog raising farm promoting and maintaining environmental friendly identity to its employees, customers and to to the community. LGD Farms also envisions itself to be a naturally independent source of BioGas which can be used as a substitute for LPG to be used in the farm. The LGD Farms also envisions for the expansion of hog operation.The LGD’s Vision/Mission Statement * 9. Mission The LGD Farms will create an environmentally friendly identity through undertaking the proper and efficient way of waste disposals to avoid harming and distorting others. The LGD Farms will introduce its environmental friendly BioGas facility through using the hogs’ waste, by converting these waste into useful mathaine gas. * 10. The LGD Farms will undergo expansion after  five years through constructing additional building and adding parent stocks for the purpose of increasing their productiion to supply larger amount in the demand supply gap * 11. CHAPTER III PROJECT BACKGROUND * 12. Name of the Proposed Business: LGD FarmsNature of the business: Hogs ProductionType of business organization: Sole ProprietorshipLocation of the project: Kaysuyo, Alfonso, CaviteProject Background * 13. Source of Capital Funding of LGD Farms’ general operation and other financial demands will be sourced from the savings of the proprietor. Mr. Jandel A. Gimeno will invest P 4,600,000 in the business. * 14. Proposed Name of the Business â€Å"LGD Farms† will be the name of the business as agreed upon by the proponents. The proponents adopted the letters E and J from the name of the proprietor’s parents, Efren and Jovita Gimeno. * 15. The project will adopt a sole proprietorship type of business organization. Sole proprietorship type of business organization is one which is owned and run by an individual and where there is no legal distinction between the owner and the business. Type of Business Organization * 16. All assets of the business are owned by the pr oprietor and all the debts of the business are proprietor’s debts and he/she must pay it from his/her personal resources which will result to unlimited liability. * 17. The proponents opt to form the business under sole proprietorship type of business organization as they see it fit considering the nature and capital requirements of the project. Moreover, it is subject to fewer regulations unlike the other type of business organization, the owner has full autonomy with regard to business decisions. * 18. The proposed location had been chosen by the prponents considering such factors as the availability of resources, accesibility to the potential customers, location cost and the environment of the business which fall under agro – industrial land type as being classified by the DENR which is the only approved land type and location for the establishment of a Hog Farm. Location of the Firm * 19. According to the very nature of the proposed project, which is in line with the livestock type of business, a none-residential area has been the prime consideration of the proponents in choosing the site of the business. The LGD Farms will be situated at Kaysuyo, Alfonso, Cavite. * 20. Management and Personnel Feasibility Summary LGD Farms will implement a democratic style of  management. This means that all employees will have the privilege and will be allowed to participate in the decision-making concerning the farm. The employees as well as the general manager will peform multi-tasking jobs for easy flow of operation. * 21. CHAPTER IVORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT FEASIBILITY * 22. With regard to the business operations, the proposed business will have a total of four (4) persons including the General Manager, Technical Operations Manager and two (2) Farmhands. Each of them must have knowledge about the production processes of hogs. They will be trained and oriented properly and will be given some seminars regarding hog farming.Administration and Management Feasibility * 23. Management Proposals The General Manager will be the one to plan and will be in charge of the overall supervision of the farm. He will be the one to screen the applicants to be recruited and hired. The Technical Operations Manager will oversee the efficiency and effectiveness of the farmhands. He will also be responsible for the general care of the pigs, maintaining the herd health and environment of the pigs. * 24. Organizational Chart * 25. In an organization, policies and principles play an important role because these help organization to become more efficient and effective. These will guide the whole business and help to achieve the company’s goals.Company Policies * 26. The proprietor will be the general manager of the firm. His compensation will be through withdrawals from the business. 20% of the Net income will be drawn from the farm.Policies on Drawings * 27. Policies on Hiring LGD Farms will announce job vacancies. The proposed business will recruit and employ workers on the basis of their qualifications of work. Referrals from trusted people will also be entertained. Qualified applicants will then pass the necessary requirements to the management such as:Barangay, Police and NBI ClearanceCopy of Birth CertificateHigh School/College Diploma/Form 137Medical CertificateDriver’s License * 28. Security Measures The E&J Farm will construct fence around the farm to prevent the entrance of unauthorized person despite the safety of the location against possible threats. * 29. Policies on Days of Work Employees will work six (6) days a week The compensation will be on  a daily basis. The employees are entitled to one (1) rest day a week. * 30. Work Schedule All employees are entitled to one (1) rest day. The Farmhand 1 will take his rest day on Saturday and the Farmhand 2 will take his rest day on Sunday. The Technical Operations Manager will take his rest day every Friday. * 31. PhilHealth, PAG-IBIG, SSS and 13th month pay will be provided for all employees.Seminars/ Trainings Seminars and trainings will be conducted for the farmhands to gain additional knowledge that will enhance their abilities and skills to become more productive and more efficient.Employee Benefits * 32. CHAPTER VMARKETING FEASIBILITY * 33. This chapter will discuss all the marketing aspects of a Hog Farm. The discussion will include the general market description, the target markets, the general marketing practices, demand, supply, the demand supply analysis, the propose marketing program and the marketing strategy. The data and other figures were gathered through research using both primary and secondary data. MARKETING FEASIBILITY * 34. The primary data came from the results of the conducted survey by the proponents and the secondary data were gathered from several government agencies and offices such as Provincial Veterinary Office (PVO), Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), Bureau of Agricultural Staistics (BAS), Department Of Agriculture (DA), and Alfonso Municipal Office. * 35. The use of marketing strategies and promotional activities such as word-of-mouth advertising, referrals and transit advertisement are highly sufficient to increase the number of customers and to increase the level of revenue. * 36. Alfonso, Cavite is an upland town situated at Southwest portion of the province. It is one of the highly recommended place for the establishment of Hog Farms as approved by the Provincial Veterinary Office. According to Alfonso Zoning Map, the said town provides preferable locations for the possibility of opening business operations in line with agriculture. MARKET DESCRIPTION * 37. According to the Provincial Veterinary Office, there were about 20 commercial farms and 70 backyard farms operating in areas of Alfonso, Indang, Mendez, Tagaytay, and Silang, Cavite as of 2009 Provincial Veterinary Office official count. In Alfonso, there are about 3 commercial farms and 20 backyard farms. * 38. The proposed business will be established at Kaysuyo, Alfonso, Cavite. The target market will be the  public markets of Alfonso, Tagaytay City, Mendez, Indang and Silang, Cavite. The selected five towns of Cavite has a total of 130 meat vendors operating in their respective public markets. TARGET MARKET * 39. Table 1. Freaquency of Selling operation in Silang, Tagaytay City, Indang, Alfonso and Mendez, Cavite * 40. Table 2. Quantity of meats sold per selling operation * 41. Table 3. Source of Pork Supplies of Vendors * 42. Table 4. Availability of meat supplies * 43. Table 5. Vendor’s willingness to buy * 44. GENERAL MARKETING PRACTICES The LGD Farm will seek accreditation from Cavite Livestock Poultry Farming Association Incorporated (CALIFPAI), Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and Provincial Veterenary Office (PVO). The farm will follow all the rules and regulations and will comply with the standards set by these organizations and agencies to ensure the proper operations of the farm. * 45. The farm will also get updates and reviews and other useful information for better hog farm operation. As to operation security, The LGD Farms will secure its necessary requirements such as the Certificate of Non-Coverage (CNC)/ Environmental Compliance Certificate, Licenses and business permits. * 46. The farm will also actively participate on some different livelihood programs such as Hog Raising Seminars, Civic Welfare Programs and other Community Development related activities to gain market awareness. By these practices, the farm is expecting to establish a good public relations with different haulers and meat vendor to whom the farm will transact with. * 47. DEMANDHistorical Demand for pork in Selected Five Towns in Cavite (in kilograms) * 48. Projected Demand for Pork in Selected Five Towns in Cavite (in kilograms) * 49. Historical Supply for Pork in Selected Five Towns in Cavite (in kilograms)SUPPLY * 50. Projected Supply for Pork in Selected Five Towns in Cavite (in kilograms * 51. DEMAND – SUPPLY ANALYSIS * 52. CAPACITY TO SELL * 53. The farm will be advertised through word-of-mouth promotion, referrals and transit advertising. It will also join CALIFPAI (Cavite Livestock Farming Poultry Association Incorporated) to meet representatives of various sectors including Department of Agriculture. Proposed Marketing  Program * 54. The local government officials of Alfonso will also be a great help since the proposed business will contribute for the betterment of the community. LGD will also engage itself in organizing seminars/workshop for other hog raisers and for those who aspire to put up their own hog farms. This will also serve as a promotion of the farm. * 55. Growing Period and Feed Consumption Average Daily Gain- This Refers to the average gain in weight of pigs in kilograms per day. Weaners should have an ADG of at least .350 kg. And fatteners should have an ADG of .800-.825 kg. The higher the ADG the better because it means faster growth of pig and lower fattening period. COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE * 56. Feed Conversion Ratio- This refers to the amount of feeds consumed by the pig per kilogram gain in weight. The lower the FCR the better. It means lesser feeds per gain. Weaners should have an FCR of 1.5 and fatteners should have an FCR of 3.0. * 57. The LGD Farms will use tarpaulin in its introductory stage as well as Transit advertising, which means the use of vehicles to carry the advertising material for the clients to be aware of the existence of the proposed business. Deliveries to clients will be available everyday.MARKETING STRATEGY * 58. The LGD Farms will also reach out to different charitable institutions such as orphanage, churches and government hospitals, charity and organizations. Help will be extended to those chosen charity by means of goods and financial help. * 59. CHANNELS OF DISTRIBUTION The products will undergo channels of distribution. These will be done by the E&J Farms through selling of hogs to slaughter houses and haulers which will serve as the middlemen or resellers. Next, the slaughter houses will deliver the meats to different public markets in selected towns and city for retailing purposes. * 60. These group of meat vendors wiil sell the meats to household who are considered as the consumers /end-users of meats for final consumption purposes. * 61. CHAPTER VIPRODUCTION/TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY * 62. The proposed business LGD Farms falls under a production type of business providing the resellers quality pigs for their reselling purposes, particularly those meat vendors and even haulers in different market in Cavite, especially in Alfonso and near-by towns. LGD will establish 50 sow level hogs farm, producing 100 heads of hog a month. PRODUCTS * 63. A  variety of Landrace strains originated from famous Danish Landrace hogs which were developed in Denmark in 1895. The Landrace is characterized by its long body length, short legs, and medium to large drooping ears. Landrace swine is meaty on the food especially on the rail. Their hams are plump but trim. Their sides are long and uniform in depth. BREEDER STOCKS * 64. Landrace sows are prolific and are known to be excellent mothers and having a good litter size. This breed’s sows have been known for their milk producing abilities, reaching their top milk after five weeks of lactation which is much latter when compared to other breeds. * 65. Large White is a white-colored meat type of pig with medium, erect ears, curved back and body in dining forward. The face is slightly dished. It is fast –growing, a good feed converter, highly prolific and excellent milkers with superior mothering ability. Its carcass is also suited for bacon production. It can adapt well in confinement but not in rugged condition. * 66. Breed the sows.FarrowingWeaning of pigletsPiglets in the NurseryTransfer to fattening sectionHogs at market weightPRODUCTION PROCESS * 67. Purchase of Piglets.Disinfection and Quarantine. Transfer of Purchased piglets to the nursery pen.Transfer to the Fattening Section. Hogs at market weight.ALTERNATIVE PROCESS (1) * 68. Breed the sows.Farrowing.Weaning of piglets.Piglets in the nursery.Piglets at market weight. ALTERNATIVE PROCESS (2) * 69. PROJECT SITE * 70. The first factor that must be considered is the availability of resources or location where the project will be situated. Other considerations also include; the location cost and other legal requisites and also for all of this to be possible, a non-residencial area must be chosen as the location of the business for it to operate. * 71. PROJECT SITE DESCRIPTIONThe proposed project, LGD Farms will be located at Kaysuyo, Alfonso, Cavite. * 72. Building The E&J Farms will construct three major buildings which would be essential for the operation of the farm, the Dry pen building, Farrowing pen and nursery pen building and the Fattener pen building.BUILDING AND FACILITIES * 73. Dry Pen BuildingFarrowing and Nursery Pen BuildingFattener Pen BuildingHolding PenStorage RoomArtificial Insemenation LaboratoryFarm House * 74. LGD Farms has a biogas facility that treats pig wastes and generate enough methaine gas that is used for  cooking at the farm house. This facility has made the commercial farm environmentally friendly as it minimizes pig odors from farm wastes. Also, after biogas processing of effluent wastes, wastewater is discharged to irrigate the grass paddocks within the farm premises.BIOGAS FACILITIES * 75. The farm will create no waste but pieces of plastic packaging of medicines for hogs, that will be placed properly on a trash bin. The pig waste will undergo the biogas facility that treats pig waste and generate enough methaine gas that is used for cooking at the farm house. WASTE AND WASTE DISPOSAL * 76. This facility has made the commercial farm environmentally friendly as it minimizes pig odors from farm wastes. Also, after biogas processing of effluent wastes, wastewater is discharge to irrigate the grass paddocks within the farm premises. * 77. The quality of each pig will be maintained through proper care and treatment. Control of virus should be taken into consideration as to avoid diseases. The farm will have a record of every pig for monitoring and evaluation purposes. This will be done from the dry period to the farrowing day for the sows and from the day 1 of the piglets to market weight for fatteners.QUALITY CONTROL * 78. There will be a technician for the sows from the supplier of the parent stocks and a feed technician from the supplier of the feeds. Both of them will serve as farm consultant on an on-call basis. * 79. CHAPTER VIIFINANCIAL FEASIBILITY * 80. CAPITAL REQUIREMENTSCASH P 154,178.50PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT Farming Tools And Equipment 50,080.00Delivery Equipment 270,000.00Office Equipment 18,200.00Furniture And Fixtures 18,720.00INVENTORIESFarm Supplies P2,401,136.50Office Supplies 485.00Land 450,000.00Pre-Operating Expense 17,200,00TOTAL CAPITAL REQUIMENTS P4,600,000.00 * 81. Selling price is computed using statistical parabolic projection method.Sales are 100% of the yearly production.Gas and oil expense, promotion and advertisement, repair and maintenance are assumed to increase by 5% annually.Contingencies are 3% of net sales.Drawing is 20% of net income.OTHER FINANCIAL ASSUMPTIONS * 82. Other benefits like seminars and trainings are assumed to increase by 5% annually.Audit fees, permits and licenses are assumed to increase by 5% annually.The initial capital requirement is good for 3 months consumption.Production will be maintained at 100 heads per month for the  next 5 years. * 83. Pre-Operating Cash FlowCash Inflow Capital Contribution P4,600,000.00Cash Outflow Farm Tools And Equipment 50,080.00 Delivery Equipment 270,000.00 Office Equipment 18,200.00 Furniture And Fixtures 18,720.00 Farm Supplies 2,401,136.50 Office Supplies 485.00 Land 450,000.00 Building And Facilities 1,222,000.00 Pre-Operating Expense 17,200.00Net Cash Flow 154,178.50 * 84. The E&J FARMS Pre Operating Statement Of Financial PositionASSETSCURRENT ASSETS Cash And Cash Equivalent 154,178.50Inventories 2,401,621.50NON CURRENT ASSETSPROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT 357,000.00BUILDING AND FACILITIES 1,222,000.00LAND 450,000.00OTHER ASSETSPre Operating Expense 17,200.00TOTAL ASSETS P4,600,00.00LIABILITIES AND OWNER EQUITYOWNER’S EQUITY P4,600,000.00TOTAL LIABILITIES AND OWNER’S EQUITY P4,600,000.00 * 97. CHAPTER VIIISOCIO ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY * 98. This chapter will discuss the different sectors that would benefit from the proposed business. The purpose of putting up a business is not just to generate profit but to give importance to social and economic benefit that it can provide.SOCIAL DESIRABILITY * 99. The proposed business will be located at Kaysuyo, Alfonso, Cavite. 72% of its residents are engaged in agriculture, taking advantage of its good location which best suits the proposed business. The said business will increase rate of employment through providing job opportunities to those people who were unable to attain higher education. * 100. In putting up a business, registration of business is necessary to have permits and license from the government office. These, along with taxes are then paid as the business operates. Taxes form part of the government revenues that help to support the needs of the public. INCREASE IN GOVERNMENT REVENUE * 101. The proposed business will employ people who have knowledge about agriculture preferably those who are living within the adjacent area of the location of the proposed business. These employees will receive fair compensation according to their qualifications and performance. Salaries are based on the minimum wage set by the government.GENERATION OF EMPLOYMENT * 102. Increase in population will result in increase in demand for food, which also means an increase in demand for pork in the area. With the continuous operation of the business, the employees will be helped to uplift the standard of their living.DEVELOPMENT OF RELATED STUDY * 103. In order for the business to  operate legally, it must comply with the government requirements as follows:Mayor’s Permit, Business Permit, Certificate of Non-Coverage and other Municipal Licenses.Environmental Compliance CertificateRegistration with the SSS, Philhealth and PAG-IBIG.Registration with Bureau of Internal Revenue.LEGAL ASPECTS * 104. It will satisfy the customers’ need.It will ensure the customers the of the Farm’s product.OTHER BENEFITS * 105. CHAPTER IX CONCLUSION * 106. After studying the different aspects in establishing a Semi-commercial Hogs Farm, proponets concluded that the study is feasible and viable. The study shows the initial investment of the proposed business will be P4,600,000 with a minimum payback period of 2.54 years. * 107. The increase in the demand for pork in Alfonso, Mendez, Indang, Silang and Tagaytay City Cavite shows thatt there is still a need for the proposed business. Thus, the business is profitable.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

MHE503 Survey of Emergency and Disaster Mgt Module 3 SLP Essay

MHE503 Survey of Emergency and Disaster Mgt Module 3 SLP - Essay Example The Philippine center for weather forecasting which is known as PAGASA (Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration) has been noted for its lack of necessary gadgets to increase the accuracy of weather forecasting in the country.2 Investing on the development of the said process through creating possibilities for PAGASA's capabilities to release notable information that could help emergency disaster departments to evacuate people and several properties away from the possible affected area could actually make the inclined weather forecasting goal a reality. Navigation and monitoring procedures, again, needs high tech gadgets that could aid the process. In this regard, it is highly recommended that the Philippine government be able to find better ways to invest on their technological applications used towards implicating emergency calls and warnings to protect their people's values and properties; after all, the benefits of this particular investment could save the country some hundreds and even thousands of dollars that could be greatly a huge saving for the said country. 3 Being able to monitor areas that are to be added in the hot spot of disaster and calamities in the country could allow emergency agencies to handle possible accidents in the future with a much controllable process saving lives and properties that could worth millions. 2. Identify and briefly describe at least one additional measure that has not been implemented which would mitigate against your selected disaster. TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENT: as noted from the given suggestions above, technological advancement is a major process of development that could be utilized by the Philippine government so as to increase the level of alert and warning signals that could be given to evacuate the people and the properties that could still be saved away from the coming tragedy. True, if the occurrence of natural disasters could not be avoided, at least keeping the people and the properties safe away from the possible damages that they may cause could be a better option to take into consideration. 3. Evaluate this mitigation strategy using FEMA's criteria discussed in the Module 3 home page. According to FEMA's database, flood and mass movement disasters such as landslides are rather forced through the existence of storms that are highly uncontrollable. FEMA further notes the need to have an accurate pre-forecasting process that would allow weather forecasters and emergency control managers the kind of alert that they need to have to be able to find better chances of evacuating and preparing areas of target. This could be further gained through the application

Government Crime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Government Crime - Essay Example I intend to discuss the topic of government crimes and some examples in this reaction essay. The civil war, the world wars I and II, the genocides, terrorism, corruption like kleptocracy in Nigeria, and violence seen in the twenty first century, all is the result of decisions taken by the political leaders who are responsible for the mass killings of thousands of people. The power games have affected not only the internal skeleton of the countries but have also inflicted bad effects on the lives of common men. The current century has seen great man slaughters in the name of government decisions. Countries, whether poor or rich, are suffering from never ending terrorism resulting in genocides. The 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon have been a negative reinforcement for political decisions of US for invasion in Iraq and Afghanistan. The search for Al-Qaeda and the aim to destroy Taliban-ization has been heavy enough for many countries. If we take a look at the history, w e come to know that many political leaders have been running their countries as if these were criminal organizations. Best examples include Adolf Hitler in Germany; Joseph Stalin in Soviet Union, Mao Zedong in China; Augusto Jose Ramon Pinochet Ugarte in Chile; and, Nicolae Ceausescu in Romania. I believe that the government crime is based on only one intention, and that is to increase the political and economic power of the leaders and the government on the cost of the common men. This is called a kleptocratic government. Kleptocracy means that, according to Mesquita et al. (2005, p.164), â€Å"the more that is available for a corrupt leader to take, the greater the private-goods focus and the less the total expenditure by the government relative to revenue.† In simpler words, kleptocracy involves such government crimes that are committed by the leaders to enhance the personal welfare rather than the welfare of the country. We can also call it government corruption. Weil (20 09, p.385) states in his work that there are many forms of government crimes, starting â€Å"from a tax inspector who accepts a bribe to overlook income on which he is supposed to collect taxes, to a mayor who trades city contracts for cash payments, all the way up to a president who grants a lucrative monopoly to his son† (Weil, 2005), nearly everybody in the governmental infrastructure is involved in crime and if not, then his survival chances in the political setup are fewer. Hence, Weil calls kleptocracy as â€Å"rule by thieves† (p. 385) which results when the corruption strengthens its roots in the government giving rise to government crimes. I have studied that economists regard government crime as a great hindrance to a country’s economic growth. However, some economists also argue that there are still a few positive effects of government crime. They argue that since a corrupt leader would want to steal for his personal interests, for this reason he will want his country to progress so that there is more enough to steal from. So, he will make sure that there is less corruption at lower levels so that more is left for him at the upper level. Also, there are some policies in the governmental setup that are harmful for the general population and thus corruption in the implementation of these policies will be beneficial. Nevertheless, these arguments are not very sound. The truth is that government crime has always been detrimental

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Professional Resource Portfolio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Professional Resource Portfolio - Essay Example Through the development of professional portfolios, prospective and practicing teaching professionals can document their development and reflections as educators and can showcase their knowledge, skills, and accomplishments. There are various challenges in meeting the educational needs of students for their professional growth according to the managerial processes. In first phase a brief overview of educational perspectives on students and how they can define their management role in future (Bloom, L., 2005, 1-9). In second phase there is future educational opportunities for professional growth. The subject of professional Resource portfolio for students, the proper planning is requires continuing their managerial role in future. There is a need of some proper strategies objectives, where all are considered equal, critics are reluctant to support special programming for students because of the fear and suspicion that intellectualism may lead to elitism (Dieker, L. A.2001, 22-36). On the other hand, there is the American ideal, most notably reflected in Brown, and the IDEA, of helping all to succeed and reach their full potential. As noted in this Article, this ambivalence is far from resolved. But there are some vital aspects have been highlighted for their professional growth (Dietz, M. E.2004). The coaching profession has g... For professional portfolio development and growth, students need to be trained in the following grounds: There may be as many as maximum professional coaches worldwide (Dollase, R. H.2003, 85-98). One consulting firm estimated that 59% of organizations now offer coaching or developmental counseling to their managers and executives. Equal Educational Opportunities: A Brief, But Necessary, Excursus Equal opportunities can build strong features of students for their future management roles. Board of Education and its progeny should emphasis on the quality education of students for making their strong portfolio. Indeed, there is the cornerstone of all subsequent legal developments ensuring the rights of disenfranchised groups (Giuliano, F. J. (2005, 42-45). Consequently, reviewing the development of special education is relevant because, like students with disabilities, students have individualized needs and should be entitled to some protection. This section of the article reviews the case law involving all students. This section discusses cases focused on admissions and placement, transportation, federal claims, and race. Admissions and Placement Absent an express statutory or regulatory mandate, when a school board employs a rational method of selection, such as a lottery, that gives all qualified children an equal opportunity to enter a program with a limited number of openings or a program restricted to students of a certain age, courts have generally adopted an all or nothing approach to the extent that a student is either admitted or excluded from gifted education. Leadership Roles New work structures impose new directions for leadership in professional candidates. Leaders must know how to create new organizational designs to match their goals. They need

Monday, August 26, 2019

Cloud Computing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5

Cloud Computing - Essay Example Cloud computing has the aim of hiding the intricacy of IT infrastructure administration from its users (Bahga & Madisetti, 2014). Simultaneously, the cloud computing platforms offer enormous scalability, 99.999% dependability, and high performance, along with configurability that can be specified. These capabilities are given at relatively low costs when compared to devoted infrastructures (Erl, Puttini & Mahmood, 2013). I present an impression of Eveready’s cloud services as well as pricing to be employed in the calculations. Eveready has two appropriate cloud computing services. Foremost, Eveready gives the Elastic Computing Cloud service. This platform charges every hour a running instance, and it provides examples with diverse compute power as well as memory (Bahga & Madisetti, 2014). This application meets the criteria for an excellent application in this course. To begin with, I am interested in the application. As an IT manager, I realize that the cloud computing was maybe the single most significant finding this century in my field. As a man database administrator, I am as well intensely interested in the challenges and successes faced by other men scientists. Second, in juxtaposition with EC2, Eveready will provide the Elastic Block Store (EBS) service. This service gives reliable and unrelenting storage with a high IO performance. EBS rates per GB of storage as well as for each million IO transactions. Eveready will also offer the Simple Storage Service (S3). This is a service to provide access via web services to unrelenting data kept in buckets (one-level of directories) together with meta-data (key/value pairs). S3 rates per GB of storage as well as HTTP requests relating to it. Persistent FS will offer a POSIX-compliant file system by means of S3 and is debatably less costly than EBS for largely

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Real Estate .Adding to and appraising the value of property Essay

Real Estate .Adding to and appraising the value of property - Essay Example The size of the residential market has shown a consistent increase from ?753 billion in 2001 to ?2369 in 2009 (www. According to the UK IPD residential index of 2009, based on a sample of 11,143 properties covering ?3.9 billion at the end of December 2009, the returns on residential complexes consistently increased in 2009. Moreover, out of the total capital market value of ?3.81 billion for the UK property market, 20.9% is based in the south east, the zone within which the city of Reading falls into. In the south eastern area, the capital growth was 10% and income returns were 4.8%. Hence at the outset, it may be stated that this area generally appears to be a viable from the point of view of investment over a long term, because property values have generally been good over the long term. Income returns were 2.9% in 2009 and capital growth was 8.1 ( For commercial properties, the income return was 7.4, but capital growth had dropped to -3.6. Whe n returns are annualised over a period of five years, the south eastern region demonstrated income growth of about 5% but no capital growth (www., p12). ... The levels of associated risk were also higher for commercial properties, i.e, 13.0 as compared to a return of 6.0 (www., p21). Projections which have been made on real annualised returns from real estate show a loss of -11% over a three year period and -1% over a 5 year period, such that any proposal for the future on the Sulis property in reading needs to factor in some potential losses that could arise in the investment being considered. The real income growth has been steadily dropping in commercial real estate; when real capital growth in commercial property is taken into account over a fifty year period, i.e, inflation minus 1.2% per year for commercial property (www., p24). Annualised rental growth over a nine year period was 0.78% for commercial properties. In terms of current asking prices for commercial property, the general commercial locations around Valpy street in reading are being offered at prices ranging from 650 to 700 p er square foot and the asking price rents for offices are in the range of ?1200 to ?2500 depending upon the size of the individual units. The economic recession over the past four years has impacted upon the real estate market in reading, as in other parts of the country, by creating a glut of distressed properties being offered for sale because they are foreclosed and unable to keep up with payments. Interest rates have remained low, which has been a boon for those on mortgages with low interest payments. While low interest rates are advantageous for buyers at the present time because it allows them the opportunity to acquire a fixed rate mortgage, at the low rate, it also requires a much higher down payment,

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Lake Effect Snow Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Lake Effect Snow - Research Paper Example Lake snow effect usually happens during the winter and in particular the Midwest when the area is dominated by cold cP or cA and clear air (Ahrens 207). The specific areas where the lake effect snows are notorious are the eastern and southern shores of the Great Lakes (Geerts 1). When such a phenomenon occurs, the people in this region get prepared for heavy snow showers. These storms are highly localized and they extend only a few kilometers to more a hundred kilometers inland. The snow basically falls as squall or heavy shower in the concentrated zones. The snow is very much centralized such that a part of the city may accumulate several centimeters of the snow, while in another; the ground has nothing (Ahrens 207). Lake effect snow is rampant from the month of November to January. â€Å"During these months, cold air moves over the lakes when they are relatively warm and not quite frozen† (Ahrens 207). The difference between air and water temperature can be as high as 25 degrees centigrade. Studies conducted have indicated the greater the difference in the temperature, the higher the probability of having a snow shower. Causes of Lake effect Snow It is imperative to note that the snowfall is not caused by the proximity of the ocean or the mountains and the difference is not because the eastern and the southern shores are cooler than the regions surroundings; in fact, they are only a little warmer than the surrounding shores.

Friday, August 23, 2019

The Impact of Social Media and Viral Marketing on the Film Industry Essay

The Impact of Social Media and Viral Marketing on the Film Industry - Essay Example Different network websites focus on different issues which include books, general, film, music, community, health, education and tourism. A Marketing technique similar to a self-replicating virus through an internet, using social networking or other internet applications for creating or increasing brand value is called as viral marketing. According to St-Amant (2012 p. 1), a patient principal uses viral marketing for stronger results. This paper seeks to analyse and make recommendations as to how the managers of the film industry can respond to the issues relating to social media and viral marketing considering their impacts on the industry with justification for recommendations. Evolution of social media over a period of time indicates how businesses have made use of it for marketing. Understanding the developments taken place in social media is important for evaluating its impact and reorienting our strategies in line with technological changes. Evolution of social media Once, word of mouth was the greatest marketing mantra. Also, rumour gets thicker as it spreads. In social media, it can become a mania or rage due to viral power in self-replicating techniques, if the strategy is logical and sound. According to Hinz et al (2012 p. 12) ‘hubs and bridges are key to the diffusion of viral marketing campaigns.’ Social media has broken the concept of ‘time’ in marketing perspective. Time and place are no longer the prohibiting factors in viral marketing in social media. The Web 2.0 phenomenon made collaboration with the customers easier.... 12) ‘hubs and bridges are key to the diffusion of viral marketing campaigns.’ Social media has broken the concept of ‘time’ in marketing perspective. Time and place are no longer the prohibiting factors in viral marketing in social media. The Web 2.0 phenomenon made collaboration with the customers easier. A single new contact brings all of its other contacts to the business in viral marketing that could be compared with infection through a web of the network with endless permutations and combinations. ‘Going viral is like a calculus function mixed with the element of randomness – Brad Hines.’ (Torkildson, 2012) Viral marketing’s impact on brand or content propagated in social media can be positive or negative. The absence of copy rights or patent laws for the contents propagated in social media attracts people and viewership is encouraged. Monetisation of viewership becomes easier where there is surge in demand for content. The Ou tdated brand of Old Spice has been revived by P&G in their viral marketing strategy for the product. The Responses to the Old Spice marketing strategy ‘topped 6 million total views and 60 000 Tweets in the first 24 hours on YouTube’ (Mills, 2012 p. 165) Similarly, negative impact affects the business severely. In a way, it increases the level of corporate social responsibility among the companies as the customers’ views on corporate practices converge at a faster pace that forces the companies to review their strategies more in line with public expectations. ‘Greenpeace supporters were so successful at flooding Nestle's Facebook page last year that the Kit Kat maker's social media rep publicly lashed out’ (CNN Money, 2011). Social media is an evolving theme with a very short history. Releasing

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Civil service and economic freedom Essay Example for Free

Civil service and economic freedom Essay Around a decade ago, Hong Kong became the hottest topic not because of some festival but rather due to a political event. On July 1, 1997, the sovereignty of Hong Kong was officially transferred to the Peoples Republic of China from the United Kingdom. The Handover, as it is most often called, signaled the official end of British rule on the colony. At present, Hong Kong is one of the top financial centers of the world. It cannot be denied however that the handover was a significant event in its history. It is therefore important to keep in mind that in studying the history of Hong Kong and learning about the place, one has to give emphasis on this event. One resource to read is a paper written by Ming K. Chan titled, â€Å"The Legacy of the British Administration of Hong Kong: A View from Hong Kong,† published in The China Quarterly in 1997. In the paper, Chan gives his insights on four major contributions by the British to Hong Kong as cited by Christopher Patten, the last British Governor of the colony. The four major contributions are rule of law, democratization, civil service and economic freedom. Chan uses these four points raised as his starting points in discussing the legacies of the British. Chan however does not stop merely at describing what these legacies are but goes on to show its weaknesses and flaws. Under the rule of law for example, he states that the legal system implemented by the British in Hong Kong was, like most legal system, aimed at providing fair and equal justice to every citizen. These same laws though turned out to be not only draconian in nature but also discriminatory. Specifically laws that were said to be anti-Chinese thus failing to achieve the aim that it was designed to give. One example of its failure is that during the British rule, English and not Chinese was the preferred language used by courts. As a result, even if the courts practiced a jury system, only those who were able to attain a higher education were able to serve. In effect, this implies that the jury system failed because it did not represent the society in general. The paper also contests the idea that Hong Kong had economic freedom. The paper admits that while Hong Kong did achieve a world class status, the British still intervened in matters that carried significant importance. The principle of laissez-faire, while a good economic concept, was instead misused to the point that it covered up unfair practices by the government. An example is the rule requiring the use of motor vehicles manufactured by the British public buses. While civil service has always been considered as the foundation of British rule, the reality in Hong Kong is that the state of the civil service system is not as efficient as it seems. The paper considers this as somewhat ironic since the localization of the civil service only when the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration was signed. The paper further cites that with the hierarchy being led by people who have little or no understanding of China or even the Chinese community in Hong Kong, their effectiveness as administrators is rather lessened. The biggest failure though is under the British civil service system, those in power failed to participate in the issue of the reintegration.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

An Environmental Analysis Essay Example for Free

An Environmental Analysis Essay An environmental analysis of the constraints in both the host and home countries is of primary significance in determining the conditions of the host market, thus giving the home country the option to adjust according to the conditions in the host country. There are several important factors that should be considered in the environmental analysis, specifically of the host country, Turkey, and of the home country, the United States of America. The factors for both the host and home countries include but are not limited to the political environment, the judicial and legal environments and the economic environment. The current political environment in the United States is primarily led by the Republican Party headed by President George W. Bush. However, the presidential elections are scheduled November this year where Senators Barack Obama and John McCain from the democratic and republican parties respectively will represent their political affiliations and seek office in White House. America’s structure of government is a representative democracy and the system of government is a federal republic where there are contiguous states. On the other hand, the legal environment in America is basically pegged on the country’s system of governance. That is, the laws of the country are created by the bicameral Congress composed of the House of Representatives and the Senate, apart from the state and local laws created by the state and local levels of the government. The judicial system is basically comprised of the lower federal courts and Supreme Court which is the ultimate arbiter of the American laws. There are also appellate courts where cases can be filed for appeal and where decisions can be overturned depending on the merit of the case filed. In general, business in the United States in the context of the legal and judicial systems is healthy as there is a very minimal government control of the market, key private players in the economy are given the freedom to decide for themselves on a micro level as far as the market is concerned, and some of the laws are created to actually foster foreign and local trades. The United States economy has recently encountered a major setback primarily in the stock market, thus becoming a major cause of concern for the local corporations operating in the local economy. Nevertheless, the U. S. Federal Reserve System has been consistent in adjusting the interest rates so as to resolve the problem and bring the economy back on its feet (Guha, 2008, p. 9). On the other hand, the host country, Turkey, is nonetheless a regional power with influence reaching Europe, the Caucasus and beyond, and whose membership in the European Parliament is a key step towards becoming a full member of the European Union (Mooradian, 1995, p. 3). But even though there have been significant advancements in the economy of Turkey in more recent years, the country â€Å"cannot consider itself a true democracy† since it â€Å"does not tolerate the freedoms of speech and expression (Angacian, 2004, p. 3). † The country has been under military rule, and that there have been previous business threats from the ruling government aimed at France and Canada after the two latter countries recognized the Armenian Genocide. After both countries recognized the genocide, the Turkish government implemented a boycott in French wines and textiles as well as a boycott on Canadian products and enforced changes in the business contracts entered into by Canada with Turkey. Two of these changed contracts are contracts worth approximately $335 million and one that is close to a billion dollars worth of investments (Angacian, 2004, p. 3). But even though there are negative sides to the history of Turkey, it can hardly be denied that the country’s economy has been on the rise in more recent times. In 2004, Turkey’s economy has posted an eight percent growth with inflation rates dropping down to single digits. However, the recent developments in the country have substantially diminished its chances of joining the European Union as Turkey has become the â€Å"primary culprit† in the Union’s livelihood as Turkey has become a nation â€Å"stealing manufacturing work while delivering an influx of indigent job-seekers (Goodman, 2005, p. D. 01). † on the positive side, the home country, United States, can opt to venture into the rising industries in Turkey given the fact that the production costs in Turkey such as manpower is lower than its neighboring countries. Since the goods of the country primarily find their way to the rest of Western Europe, the advantage is that the investing foreign company has little to worry about production cost and market reach. On the other hand, the negative side of the market environment in Turkey is that the interest rates in credit are high, thereby resulting to higher prices of products which also results to limited exportation and new investments. Thus, it is significant for the company to consider relying on its capital resources rather than investing by financial borrowing as doing the opposite will most certainly result to higher prices of products manufactured. Moreover, it appears that the business environment in Turkey is not entirely friendly when the context of military rule is solely considered. In more recent years, Turkey has also experienced a steady growth in its technology sector although a large par of the country remains agricultural. The apparent diversity in culture, especially the Kurds and Turks, has resulted to differences in access in technology among the population as most Kurds are situated in the outskirts of the country. Some cultural considerations that should be addressed are the variations in the local purchases of goods depending on the financial capabilities of the local residents as well as the prospect of export in Western Europe where more cultural varieties are present, the strategies molded from the cultural context in Turkey and the leadership style of the company needed to address the economic and political concerns faced by the country and its people. References Angacian, S.(2004). The Undemocratic Democracy of Turkey. Armenian Reporter International, 36(48): 3. Goodman, P. S. (2005). Turkey’s Evolving Economy: Country Ties its Fortune Closer to Global Trade, Putting Pressure on Western Europe. The Washington Post: D. 01. Guha, K. (2008). Blowing in the Wind: America Braces Itself for the Risk of a Second Dip. Financial Times: 9. Mooradian, M. (1995). Political Analysis—Turkey: A Regional Power. Armenian Reporter International, 29(12): 3

Effectiveness of Art Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis Patients

Effectiveness of Art Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis Patients INTRODUCTION Multiple sclerosis simply known as â€Å"MS† is disease, an autoimmune one; it has its affect on the central nervous system of human mind. Affected by multiple sclerosis, the brain faces a number of difficulties in getting messages to other parts of the body. Though, we know fairly little on the issue of multiple sclerosis, research into its root causes and potential treatments is swiftly developing. The researcher claim MS causes the human bodys immune system to target attack myelin, an insulating coating around nerve cells. When myelin is affected, the communication among nerve cells located in the central nervous system is interrupted. When it occurs, few of the parts of the human body do not receive or accept instructions from the central nervous system, the source of controlling everything human body does. The disease can cause dynamic range of symptoms that emerge with a range of severity, from mild distress to absolute disability. Statement of the Problem Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an incurable, chronic, and disabling disease in which the immune system is believed to attack the central nervous system. Would Art therapy be proven effective for the patients of Multiple Sclerosis? In order to analyze the benefits that can be drawn out of the therapy, the researcher must be well aware of the illness, its causes and types. As for the treatment, there are various ways that can help in the phase of the healing process of the multiple sclerosis patients. It is however significant to make relationships among the vulnerabilities of the illness and the soothing benefits of the art therapy that is to be examined in this paper. Moreover, this paper provides a comparative study which to examine the effectiveness of art therapy on the patients of multiple sclerosis in two different parts of the world. U.S. and Middle East being the main focus on the study as far as the geographical setting of this paper is concerned. The researcher’s goal is to identify the casualties and the causes of the illness known as multiple sclerosis and also acquire a better understanding of its types and the vulnerabilities that comes in the baggage. It is mainly important because to look for healing, the problem must be clear and concise. Among various methods that has been proven beneficial in the course of healing for the multiple sclerosis patients, this paper has chosen the gate of art therapy. Art therapy has been in the debate for a while when many controversial illnesses are emerged as an issue to talk about. Art therapy has provided a gateway to many of the soothing process that can be beneficial and helpful in many illnesses. The number of ways art therapy has provided particularly to examine the variation it introduced in order to soothe the variety of vulnerable symptoms have been considered reliable and valuable. Purpose This study is designed to analyze the effectiveness of Art Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis patients. The researcher hypothesizes that Art Therapy will considerably improve the overall aspects required to fulfill a quality life. The paper also comprises a comparative study between United States of America and Middle East Research Question Does Art therapy help in any way to multiple sclerosis patients? How beneficial it is to the patients residing across U.S. and Middle East. TYPES OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Multiple sclerosis might appear in various forms. Multiple sclerosis is an unpredictable illness. Some people have initial attacks and do not progress. Occasionally, in elderly, progression will stop altogether. According to Multiple Sclerosis Association of USA, it is not clear why this illness affects people in such a diversity of ways. The types of Multiple Sclerosis include: Relapsing-remitting: Relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis short as â€Å"RRMS† is typically characterized by plainly definite attacks of aggravating neurologic functions. These attacks are medically referred to as â€Å"relapses†, break outs or exacerbations which are pursued by partial or total recovery periods such as remissions, during it the symptoms get better partially or entirely, and there is no evident progression of illness. RRMS is the common disease at the time of diagnosis. This form of MS comes and goes with time. It usually builds up in the age from 20s to 30s. Symptoms could be severe at one point of time and then disappear. About 85 % of MS patients develop onset of the disease in this pattern. Relapsing-remitting MS is defined as the provocative attacks on myelin as well as of the nerve fibers. During all those provocative attacks, activated immune cells cause few, localized areas of loss which target the symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis. Due to the reason that the locatio n of the damage is so changeable, no two patients have exactly the same kind of symptoms. Symptoms are very changeable in RRMS. Devastating fatigue is a common unbearable symptom. One of the initial signs of MS might include double vision or blindness that is partial blindness. Other symptoms comprise of balance issues, spasticity, and numbness. This could make walking really difficult. Some people go through bladder or bowel dysfunction, dizziness, or pain. In few cases, emotional imbalances or cognitive dysfunction may occur. Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis tend to worsen as soon as patients become worked up. Lhermitte’s sign is an impression parallel to an electrical shock burning down from neck. Another out of the ordinary sensation, known as MS Hug, feels like a contraction around chest. Secondary-progressive: The title for secondary-progressive multiple sclerosis (SPMS) comes relevant of the fact that it emerges after (RRMS). Of the 85 % of the people who were initially diagnosed with RRMS, most would sooner or later transition to SPMS, meaning that after a course of time within which they experienced relapses and remissions, disease would begin to develop more gradually (not necessarily quickly), with or without any attacks or relapses for that matter. After the first attack, the disease might begin to develop in a more intentional way. In this type, symptoms do not collapse. Before new therapies were designed, about 50 percent of patients with MS entered a progressive stage. In SPMS, people might or might not continue to face relapses caused by inflammation; the disease steadily changes from the provocative process seen in RRMS to a much more steadily progressive stage characterized by nerve damage or loss. People with PPMS do not usually experience any attacks or relapses. With SPMS, relapses tend to be less different. They might happen less often or never occur at all. When relapses occur, recovery is not as final and complete. Disabilities stay put. The fair reason people progress from relapse-remitting to the secondary progressive MS is not still concise and clear. It doesn’t seem related to a growing or increased immune reaction. One explanation is that the disease progression might be an after-effect of nerve damage that occurred early in disease growing phase. But more investigation is required to understand the uneven disease process. Primary-progressive: Primary-progressive multiple sclerosis (PPMS) is distinguished by slow worsening of neurologic functioning, without any kind of distinctive relapses or occurrence of remission. A person’s pace of progression may differ over time with infrequent plateaus or momentary improvement — but the progression is unremitting and continuous. People who build up this form of disease generally do so afterward in life. They turn down slowly, without much of the hurdles and ups and downs. This form of illness occurs in only 15% of all patients with MS, but it is however most common type of MS in patients who develop the disease after the age of forty. Due to this vital difference in the disease course, various criteria are used to make a precise diagnosis of PPMS. The criteria to diagnose a relapsing form of MS require confirmation of at least 2 separate areas of loss (distribution in space) in central nervous system (CNS) that occurred at different points in time period (distribution in time). In PPMS, though, there is little amount of inflammation. Rather, nerve damage dominates. Damaged nerves disrupt the transmission of nerve signals and messages. This gives a raise to neurological symptoms. Signs of scar tissue or lesions might eventually form all along the damaged nerves in the brain and also in the spinal cord. Progressive relapsing: Progressive-relapsing multiple sclerosis (PRMS) is the slightest common of the four disease types. Like those with PPMS, patients having PRMS experience steadily declining neurologic function, disease progression from the very start, in addition to infrequent relapses similar to those experienced by patients with relapsing-remitting MS. Because PRMS is progressive from beginning, it may be first diagnosed as PPMS, and then subsequently transit to PRMS when a relapse or attacks occurs. Although this disease type is progressive from the outset, each patient’s symptoms and pace of progression tend to be different. In this type of multiple sclerosis, symptoms originally progress slowly but eventually get worst over the period of time. This type of MS affects about 5% of all the patient suffering from MS. No two patients are likely to have the same kind of MS symptoms in the similar manner. Few symptoms might come and go or come out once and not ever again. A relapse can last a long or short period of time from 24 hours to multiple weeks. During a relapse or attack new symptoms may appear or old symptoms for the moment worsen. In PRMS, relapses might or might not be followed by a little recovery. However, there are no remissions whatsoever. CAUSES Although the root cause of multiple sclerosis is still unknown, evidence suggests that the illness may result from an environmental agent that attacks the illness in a genetically vulnerable human being. These outlines of evidence have given a raise to both environmental and genetic theories for Multiple Sclerosis. The Environmental Theory: Investigators and researchers have explored the likelihood that exposure to viral or bacterial contaminations, environmental toxins, exposure to sunlight, variation in temperature and humidity levels, or diet may in some manner produce or aggravate Multiple Sclerosis. To this date, no particular environmental factor or agent has been declared as the root cause of MS. Examine involving inhabitants migration support the idea that an environment element may possibly bring about danger to enhance MS. Especially; susceptibility for you to grow MS seems to be keen by simply get older involving residence ornamented by simply a number of geographical locations. People that ended up blessed within high-risk location glimpse to acquire a lower threat when they transfer as well as create residence within low-risk parts ahead of get older involving 15. In dissimilarity, people blessed within less-risk location may possibly use a dangerous when they change as well as create residence in a higher- risk position just before the age of 15 years.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Abortion Essay -- Abortion

Abortion A young women who just recently married at the age of 24 is six months along in her pregnancy. By her eighth month, she has came across complications. Within one week, they continue to get progressively worse. She is eventually rushed to the hospital. There her symptoms are studied by medical professionals. She soon is told that her complications are so severe that they might cost her her life. She is now faced with a choice. A medical dilemma of saving her life with the use of an abortion, or the moral dilemma of saving her childs life. What is right? In the U.S. about 1.6 million pregnancies end in abortion. A majority of women in America with an income below 11,000 are 3 times more likely to abort their unborn child rather than those whose income is above 25,000. Also, women who are divorced or unmarried are 4 to 5 times more likely to abort than a stable married woman.(1) The most commonly used procedure for an abortion is the vaccum aspiration which is used during the first trimester (from conception to three months). A tube is simply inserted into the cervix and the contents within the cervix are vaccumed out.(1) Another commonly used type of abortion focuses on the second trimester. This type of abortion is called dilation and evacuation. By this trimester the fetus has slowly developed bones, bulk, and contains movement. Which leaves the second trimester not as easy. Once the fetus and placenta are removed, tweezers are then used to take out the larger parts of the fetus. By the time the fifth month approaches the fetus has entered its third trimester where the abortion becomes both serious and dangerous. As a mother in her fifth month, doctors would induce her with drugs to put her into labor as if she ... ...ause of it’s immoral and life begins at conception. Women have been given the right to have an abortion under the United States Consititution, but this right is still being protested by the people that fight for the unborn’s rights. Pro-life activists claim that its immoral because they simply defined it as murder. Life begins at conception another strong point brought up by pro-life activists. Before a child is born it is given all of it's necessities to survive. Before birth the child heart beats, the gastric juices flow in the stomach, and all it's necessary organs are intact. The unborn child thinks, dreams, and feels pain.(1) The abortion issue is a constant debate in our society and it is amazing that faith and reason can determine the life of a child. Maybe soon the abortion issue will reverse, and people will see the rights of the unborn as a great importance.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Cleopatra :: essays research papers

Cleopatra’s father was Ptolemy XII, who began his rule of Egypt in 80 BC but he was not respected and thought to be weak. His nickname was â€Å"Auletes†, which means flute player in Greek. Cleopatra’s mother could possibly be Cleopatra V, who either died or disappeared in 68 BC. Cleopatra had two older sisters, two younger brothers, and one younger sister.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ptolemy XII ruled until his death in 51 BC. His will said that Cleopatra and Ptolemy XIII were heirs to the throne. The two married and jointly ruled Egypt. Ptolemy II had established these brother-sister marriages as custom, when he married his sister Arsinoe II. Cleopatra and her brother ruled jointly, though the marriage was solely in law. Cleopatra was about 18, and Ptolemy XIII was about 10. They were named King and Queen of Egypt in 51 BC. Cleopatra did most of the ruling and left her brother out it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ptolemy served as a puppet for power-hungry advisors and in 48 BC kicked Cleopatra out of the palace. Cleopatra retaliated by building her own army outside the city. Cleopatra knew that she had to get to Caesar and tell her side of the story. She had herself smuggled into the palace in a rug. The young Queen enchanted Caesar, and the two spent the night together. Ptolemy XIII was called to the audience and was dismayed to see that Cleopatra was at his side.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What was a war between Cleopatra and Ptolemy XIII, evolved onto a war between Ptolemy XIII and Caesar? Caesar had given Cyprus back to Egypt, and Arsinoe IV and Ptolemy XIV were named rulers. Arsinoe appeared to believe that she should also be Queen of Egypt, because of her alliance with Ptolemy XIII against Caesar.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Caesar may have had Pothinus beheaded because of what he did to Pompey, or he may have died in the fighting. Way, he was either dead or missing. Ptolemy XIII, hearing of this, threw his crown down and stormed out of the palace. He supposedly later drowned trying to leave the city. Caesar took prisoner Arsinoe IV.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cleopatra was then restored to the throne and again married to her brother, Ptolemy XIV. It was 47 BC, and Cleopatra was 22 years old, and Ptolemy XIV was 12. Cleopatra again acted as sole ruler, and this time managed to keep Ptolemy XIV from influence. Since Arsinoe IV was considered a traitor, Cyprus was now under the direct rule of Cleopatra

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Weakness of Servant Leadership Essay -- Servant Leaders are Wimps

After reading various essays and commentaries on servant leadership I thought about a criticism of the theory that wasn't addressed in the readings. Are servant leaders taken advantage of and in certain instances seen as pushovers rather than true leaders? If we review the basic concept of servant leadership, my definition would be a leader who does what’s necessary to ensure his followers are successful. Is this what you really want from a leader? In my opinion that answer is no, you want a leader to exhibit these â€Å"I will help you by all means† characteristics in certain situations, but not all of the time. If this is done all of the time I see this â€Å"leader† as a targeted pushover. The lesson commentary referenced the role of parenthood as an example of servant leadership. â€Å"Parents serve their children’s needs so that the children can develop into healthy adults†¦so that they can help their own children develop† (Lesson 11 Comme ntary, p. 2 Houston). For us parents out there, we know that this can be a slippery slope. If you always come to the rescue of the child, they will not learn ...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Sammy of Updike’s A & P: The Voice of Youth and Openness

John Updike, in his short story A & P, has made the excellent choice of making an unpretentious nineteen-year-old boy the narrator.   Sammy, the check-out counter boy provides an honest and unequivocal look at the other characters the way young boys can be.As a narrator, Sammy is able to give the readers a background of what the other characters are like, by describing their interactions and the inclinations of the grocery’s patrons.   The narrator’s honest and casual style creates a vivid picture of the society involved in the story, which in turn discusses the traditional and the unconventional.â€Å"It is in this setting that Updike reveals, through what is almost a prose dramatic monologue technique, the sensitive character of a nineteen year old grocery clerk named Sammy, who rejects the standards of the A & P and in so doing commits himself to [a] kind of individual freedom†Ã‚  (Porter 1155).  Sammy does not make observations according to consequences or what may be thought of as â€Å"right†; instead, he thinks without editing his thoughts, thus producing an accurate account, according to his point of view, of what has happened.He is a character who has no reason to embellish the tale because he is already separating from the views of the majority.Sammy has an eye on everyone coming in and out of the A & P. He is able to observe people passing by the doors, paying for their purchases and even selecting products.   There is no ambiguity in the way he describes people.â€Å"She's one of these cash-register-watchers, a witch about fifty with rouge on her cheekbones and no eyebrows†¦She'd been watching cash registers forty years and probably never seen a mistake before†Ã‚  (Updike). In his thoughts, he is not afraid to describe one of the patrons the way he perceives her.Later, he describes the reactions of the other shoppers towards the three girls who enter the A & P in their swimsuits:   â€Å"You could s ee them, when Queenie's white shoulders dawned on them, kind of jerk, or hop, or hiccup, but their eyes snapped back to their own baskets and on they pushed.I bet you could set off dynamite in an A & P and the people would by and large keep reaching†¦But there was no doubt, this jiggled them†Ã‚  (Updike).   Ã‚  Sammy recognizes the level of propriety practiced by the patrons of the A & P, and most likely by the small town itself.He knows the people’s reactions toward the three girls who have become representations of unconventional behavior; Sammy is amused with these reactions which he finds typical of the people he regularly sees at the A & P.Sammy, though distracted by the unprecedented entrance of the three girls, is still able to report what has been going on with the other characters.   This means that as a narrator he is at least able to portray the general mood of the â€Å"event†.If he were completely focused on the girls alone, he will not be a ble to make an adequate comparison between the girls’ carefree behavior and the more rigid attitude of the rest of the characters, especially his boss Lengel’s.Even the lustful reaction of Stokesie, the other clerk, does not escape Sammy.   So, he is not just drawn towards the completely conventional and unconventional characters; he is aware of those who are caught in between, admiring the different but staying with those who remain the same.The perspective of an adolescent is that of someone trying to find his or her place in the world.   The teenage Sammy is still open to new ideas unlike the older characters in the A & P, who have judged the three girls harshly based on their appearance.   â€Å"Girls, I don't want to argue with you. After this, come in here with your shoulders covered. It's our policy†¦That's policy for you. Policy is what the kingpins want. What the others want is juvenile delinquency†Ã‚  (Updike).   Moreover, their attire has automatically given them the label of juvenile delinquents.   Though apparently the rest of the characters think the same way, Sammy steps away from the general opinion and has become the girls’ defender.Though Sammy openly admires the girls, his youth and his previous commentaries on some shoppers show that whether the girls have come to the A & P in swimsuits or not, he will still be critical of the attitudes of the conventional people.He is ready enough to scrutinize each person he encounters partly because he does come across as a bored young man who is waiting for something exciting to happen.Updike’s Sammy has proved to be a reliable narrator; his youth provides free flowing and interesting narrative.   The reader becomes privy to the young man’s thoughts and his strong opinions of people provide a clear idea of what kind of society he is living in.Works Cited:Porter, M. Gilbert. â€Å"John Updike's â€Å"A&P†: The Establishment and an Emerson ian Cashier.† The English Journal (1972): 1155-1158.Updike, John. â€Å"A & P.† 9 February 2008 .   

Friday, August 16, 2019

Along Came a Spider by James Patterson Compare and Contrast Book /Movie

The book â€Å"Along Came a Spider’ by James Patterson follows the chase of a homicide investigator, Alex Cross in pursuit of a culprit who had kidnapped two children belonging to wealthy families. The book belongs to the genre of mystery fiction, as the characters and plot of the story are created by the imagination of the author.The struggle of law to bring the criminals to justice is presented in the book. The author utilizes a narrative which maintains the suspense in the story till the end. The book addresses the problem of increasing incidence of crime in the modern society.The plot of the story centers on the kidnapping of two children of wealthy families. Alex Cross is the investigator of the case, and he strives relentlessly to get hold of the kidnapper, Gary Soneji. As the other culprits are revealed, the story takes an interesting turn and ends in a surprising climax.The main characters, Alex Cross and Gary Soneji come across as real people, for they behave in a ma nner which displays the various aspects of human nature. I like the character of Alex Cross, for he loves his job and carries his duty with sincerity.â€Å"I love my work, love Homicide,† I said with a sneer. † (Patterson 24). The book has changed my attitude about the factors that compel an individual to commit crime. Gary Soneji’s note on a mirror brings forth his intention for kidnapping the children, â€Å"I want to be somebody. † (Patterosn 145).Through the efforts of Alex Cross, the author has depicted the struggle of law to punish criminals and protect the people. The book has led to a change in my opinion regarding the motives for crime. Movie Review The movie â€Å"Along Came a Spider† is based on the novel by the same name.Directed by Lee Tamahori, the movie focuses on the efforts of Alex Cross, an investigator on trail of a serial kidnapper, in an urban setting. The movie is a suspense thriller and it depicts the thinking of a criminal wh o in quest of fame, engages in criminal activities.The movie presents the immoral ways adopted by human to fulfill their desires. Alex Cross, the investigator and Gary Soneji, the kidnapper are the central characters in the movie. Gary Soneji, a teacher kidnaps the daughter of a Senator, studying in his school.Alex Cross and Jezzie Flannigan, an agent responsible for the security of the children studying in the elite school, investigate the case. Alex Cross succeeds in finding the real culprits, as the movie ends in an unexpected climax. The characters in the movie are presented as human beings with failings, so they appear to be one amongst the common people. I like the characters in the movie, for they represent the contrasting worlds of justice and crime. The movie has made me realize the difficulties encountered by an investigator while pursuing a criminal.The complexities of human mind are depicted in the movie through the character of Gary Soneji. â€Å"I am living proof, tha t a mind is a terrible thing. † (Tamahori). The movie would have been more realistic if the director had not incorporated acts which appear to be improbable.The movie, with its depiction of a criminal whose intention for committing crime is achieving fame, is interesting and thrilling. The movie succeeds in conveying the message of the director, as it brings forth before the audiences, the difficulties encountered by an investigator in protecting the society.Comparison and Contrast The book â€Å"Along Came the Spider† by James Patterson and the movie with the same title, directed by Lee Tamahori are similar to each other as far as the storyline is considered. But there are numerous changes in the movie while depicting the characters from the book.The character of Alex Cross in the movie is older compared to the character in the book. In the book, Alex Cross is having a family but in the movie Alex Cross is presented as an individual without family. The third difference regarding the character of Alex Cross is his relation with the Jezzie Flannigan.The contrasts in the book and the movie are perceptible in the characterization of Alex Cross. The character of Alex Cross in the movie differs from the book, for Alex Cross is depicted in the book as a young man. He is thirty eight years old and is good-looking. â€Å"I was thirty eight at the time. † (Patterson 10).Being a black, he is aware of the racist attitude of the society while looking at him. It was this attitude of the society which made him to choose a police career rather than becoming a psychologist. In the movie, the character of Alex Cross is presented as an older man in comparison to the age of Cross in the book.Alex Cross in the movie comes across as a matured individual, owing to his age. The outlook of Alex Cross in the movie is different from that of Alex in the book, as being older the character of Alex in the movie is more experienced in his field, and is adept at his work. The other factor that differentiates the character of Alex Cross in the movie from that of Cross in the book is the family. The character of Alex Cross in the movie is shown as having a family. As his wife has died, Alex is the one who is looking after his two children.â€Å"On the bureau, by the bed, was a picture of Maria Cross. Three years before, my wife had been murdered in a drive-by shooting. † (Patterson 11). The other family member living with him is his grandmother. Alex Cross calls her as Nana Mama. It was because of Nana Mama that Alex was in the field of psychology.â€Å"It’s been like that for almost thirty years ever since Nana Mama first took me in and decided she could make something out of me. She made a homicide detective with a doctorate in psychology, who works and lives in the ghettos of Washington, D. C. † (Patterson 12).But in the movie, Alex Cross has no family. Although, his wife is seen in a scene comforting him when his partner dies, there is no mention about her in the later part of the movie. Alex Cross has no children, and so he is free from any responsibilities.With no family to look after, Alex Cross focuses all his attention on the case of the kidnapping. Although both the characters of Alex Cross in the book and movie are dedicated towards their work, the character of Alex Cross in the movie is fully engrossed in his duty, as he has no family to look after.The third point of difference between the book and the movie in regards to the character of Alex Cross is his relation with Jezzie Flannigan. In the book Alex Cross falls in love with his partner, Jezzie Flannigan and develops a relationship with her.The relation of Alex and Jezzie Flannigan provides an interesting turn to the plot of the story. The character of Alex Cross in the movie is not involved in a romantic relation with Jezzie Flannigan; they are depicted just as partners in the investigation of the kidnappings.Alex Cross interacts with Jezzie Flannigan as his partner who was there to aid him in solving the mystery of the kidnapping. The character of Alex Cross in the book is young and develops a passionate relation with his partner, Jezzie Flannigan whereas the character of Alex Cross in the movie is older and is presented has having only a platonic relationship with Jezzie Flannigan.Works CitedIMDb. Along Came a Spider. 9 April 2009. http://www. imdb. com/title/tt0164334/quotes Patterson , James. Along Came a Spider. Grand Central Publishing. 1993.