Monday, September 30, 2019

Psychological Analysis of “The Butterfly Effect” Essay

This paper revolves around the four main psychological aspects of the 2004 movie The Butterfly Effect which are memory retrieval in Evan, trauma in the characters, depression, and Evan’s therapy. In memory we will look through the protagonist’s, Evan, past and how he represses his memory and retrieves them back as adult. In trauma we will look at the different events Evan’s friend Lenny experiences and how it affects his life and gives him traumatic disorders. Next, we will examine depressive symptoms in the character Kayleigh. Finally, we will look at the different treatments Evan’s therapist uses on him and his reasons why. I will reveal each of the role these four aspects play and relate them to the characters and the movie. In the movie The Butterfly Effect a boy named Evan develops a unknown hereditary disease where he blacks out during very traumatic events. These blackouts eventually fade away when we moves away and he never experiences them again. One day, in college he reads an old journal from his childhood and all the old memories hit him like a brick. Within days he discovers he is able to actually go back in time and change those past traumatic events, which results in a series altered realities. In these different realities, not only do the events change, but Evan and his friends develop totally new idenities This movie mainly revolves around Evan’s memory, trauma and depression in some of the characters, and the therapy used to try to treat Evan’s illness. In that brief summary alone you are able to see that Evan’s memory is a large part of this movie. Throughout the movies Evan goes through periods of  memory repressions where he gets these uncontrollable blackouts, usually under times of heavy stress and trauma, and wakes up completely unaware of what happened. These blackouts occurred when he is participating in child pornography, killing a women and her baby, his father trying to kill him and watching his dog be burned alive. Repressed memories are â€Å"memories of actual events that were pushed into the unconscious because they are emotionally threatening (Kosslyn and Rosenberg 2011 p.183)†. That means although these events are emotionally charged they are forgotten not because they are pushed out of awareness but because the individual mentally put them into another place in their mind. Evan eventually moves away from this town leaving Lenny, Tommy and Kayleigh. After that we notice that these sudden blackouts disappear and when he goes to college he is able to live a normal life. Until, he reads one of his old journals and all the old memories come back to him and he is able vividly experience them through a process known as memory retrieval. He is even able to go back in time and change his actions. Although this obviously is not possible in real life, it is an example of a study that shows that, â€Å"as we try to recall something our brain works to match the brain state we had during the event we are remembering (DeNoon 2005)†, so when your brain state matches the state in your memory you’ll remember it a lot easier. This study is true in Evan’s case, because has he read through his journal entries he, in a sense, put himself into his teenage shoes and is able to visualize that exact moment he is reading. Therefore, a person’s emotion can affect a their memory retrieval. â€Å"(It is) much like when you try to remember where you put your keys last night, if you recall that you were washing dishes, that might trigger associated memories, leading you to remember that your keys are next to the sink (DeNoon 2005)†. Evan also develops implicit memories during his frat boy lifestyle reality. Implicit memories are memories â€Å"that cannot be retrieved voluntarily but rather predispose a person to process information or behave certain ways in the presence of specific stimuli (Kosslyn and Rosenberg 2011 p.169)†. In this altered reality Evan becomes the leader of a fraternity and one of the popular jocks, a totally different persona compared to his hardworking, shy  behavior in the first reality. Yet, even though it is still normal Evan switching through different realities he starts to involuntarily develop these habits the fraternity persona would do, like cheat on tests and bully younger students. These actions and personalities he developed is an example of a type of implicit memory known as habits. Cheating on his psychology test and yelling at one of his pledges was a well-learned response that is carried out automatically. The next topic the movie portrays is trauma in the character Lenny. Lenny is most affected by two traumatic events shown in the movie, the first is when he accidentally blows up a mailbox killing a mother and her baby and the second is when he kills Tommy during one of Evan’s interactive memory. After those experiences Lenny develops clear signs of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). According to the DSM-IV-TR, the diagnosis of PSTD is decided when three conditions are met. First, the person experiences an event that involves an injury or death and Lenny clearly experienced death through murdering the mother and baby, and killing Tommy. Next, the traumatized person responds to the situation with fear, which Lenny shows from the utter shock after the mailbox blows up and he becomes so afraid of what he has done that he collapses and ends up in hospitalized. Lenny shows â€Å"persistent avoidance of anything associated with the trauma (Kosslyn and Rosenberg 2011 p.420)†. This explains why Lenny, after so many years, was still in his room building model airplanes after Evan goes back home to him. Also, when Evan asks Lenny to described what happened during that event Lenny violently threatens him to kill him if he ever mentions it again. Model airplanes is a hobby he enjoys and it helps keep him distracted from all his thoughts, which is why his room contained over one hundred models. If he keeps himself preoccupied with the model planes, those thoughts of killing the mother will never cross his mind. Not only does Lenny and his model airplane hobby distract him from the trauma but it also show a very distinct relationship between dissociation and trauma. Constance J. Dalenburg conducted an experiment which shows â€Å"that there is strong empirical support for the hypothesis that trauma  causes dissociation (a perceived detachment of the mind from the emotional state or even from the body), and that dissociation remains related to trauma history when fantasy proness is controlled (Dalenberg 2012)†. After experiencing the two traumas Lenny enters a dreamlike state where he completely separates himself from the world by staying in his room all day and doing nothing else. Even when Evan comes to visit him in his bedroom or in the insane asylum he never displays any emotions, speak to him or even acknowledge he is there. During the dog blackout Lenny witnessed Tommy burning Evan’s dog alive and Tommy told him, â€Å"if you tell anyone, I’ll slit your throat†. Lenny was discharged from the hospital just before that occurred and before Evan called him out to play we can see Lenny was busy working on a model airplane. Therefore, we can conclude that Lenny makes these model airplanes, stays in his room all day and even keeps his room exactly the same (which we can see because he still race car bed) because he trying to distance himself from reality and mentally revert back to the exact time before he witnessed Evan’s dog being burned alive. The third topic faced in the movie is depression. Kayleigh and Evan go through periods of depression through three different altered realities of the movie. In the first altered reality Evan goes back to his hometown and finds Kayleigh working as waitress, in the next altered reality Kayleigh becomes a hooker after Evan goes back and accidentally kills Tommy, and in the last reality Evan loses his arms and legs along with the love of his life, Kayleigh to Lenny. The four main symptoms of major depressive disorder (depression) shown throughout these scenes were insomnia and tiredness, heavy sadness, feeling of hopelessness, and thoughts of suicide. In the first reality Kayleigh shows physical signs of insomnia and tiredness. Physically, you can tell by her sluggish movements and heavy bags under her eyes that she is not getting enough rest. She then goes on to shout at him saying, â€Å"nothing’s ever going to get better Evan, nothing ever gets better†. This quote and the fact that she is just a waiter shows the feeling of hopelessness and how she believes there is no real future and she will never be truly happy due to her traumatizing past. This feeling of hopelessness might have occurred after Evan moved away from her, causing her  to have no one else to rely on. That change can also cause depression because when change occurs, stress happens. â€Å"Significant levels of stress can result from any important life change, but people vary considerably in the ways they respond to change in their lives†¦ Their reactions depend on their resources and the contexts in which stress occurs. If you have the money, time, and friends to help you pick up and go on after a disruption, you will certainly fare better (Mcgregor 2006)†, all of which Kayleigh doesn’t have anymore, leading her to developed depression. Kayleigh also cries and yell at Evan for bringing up old memories, a potential sign of heavy sadness. Finally, Evan finds out the next day that Kayleigh committed suicide, (thoughts of suicide) which is the last symptom of clinical depression. In the second reality Evan finds Kayleigh in a run down motel room as hooker with a drug addiction. Kayleigh is portraying signs of worthlessness in her body because of the sexual acts she is involved in to receive money. Due the sexual abuse she received from her father she now feels her body is dirty or damaged making her believe she in unworthy of being treated as a normal person. This is a big contribution to her low self esteem and her drug abuse issue. Not only does she feel used but the abuse she suffered from her dad, the first true male role model in her life, leaves her to feel that people will always hurt her. You can see her environment plays a big role in her depression because in the final altered reality, she lives in a nurturing environment with her mother and is finally happy which leads her live to a normal happy life and a better career. In the final reality Evan loses his arms and legs after trying to save the mom and child from the explosion. During that scene Evan sees Kayleigh run up to Lenny and kiss him. You can tell from his facial expression he was feeling sadness and remorse over not being with her when he knows he could be. After losing his arms and legs, Evan realizes life for him is hopeless, and he can never amount to anything because he doesn’t arms or Kayleigh, so that sign of worthlessness is once again showing. Evan tries to drown himself in the movie, showing those thoughts of suicide. Evan shows a clear example of Aaron Beck’s â€Å"negative cognitive triads of depression†. â€Å"The  triad consists of: a negative view of the world, a negative view of the self, and a negative view of the future (Kosslyn and Rosenberg 2011 p.412)†. Evan views the world as unfair because of his missing limbs, his disability leave him to think his life pointless, and he know his future is nothing without Kayleigh and his limbs. Finally, there was some use of psychological strategies and therapy techniques Evan’s therapist uses to try to find a way to diagnose and solve this rare disease. The first treatment Evan’s therapist tried was hypnosis. The therapist tried to calm Evan, then told him to recollect his memory of that mailbox event and â€Å"play, rewind, and pause it like a movie†. Hypnosis did not work in Evan’s case, instead only causing nose bleeds and headaches . As a child, when his mom first realizes something is wrong Evan is given a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Scan to look for anything wrong in his brain structure. Yet, they were not able to find anything wrong with his brain. The most effective method used was asking Evan to keep a journal of his daily life. Journals are commonly used and is an example of one of â€Å"Beck’s cognitive therapy techniques† which is â€Å"the process of helping clients view their situation in a new light (Kosslyn and Rosenberg 2011 p.420)†. This method proves to be affective because it helps Evan solve the root of his black outs and realize he is able to go back in time during those blackouts and control his past body, preventing certain stimuli. In conclusion, you can see that The Butterfly Effect portrays a lot of psychological facts and disorders because of all the traumatic events these young children went through. The biggest aspect of The Butterfly Effect is the different types of memory Evan uses in the movie, like repression, retrieval, and implicit. The main idea of the movie is that one tiny change can completely alter the future and we clearly see that through the different identity each character goes through in the movie. In some realities Lenny is forced to live life alone and in fear under his extreme post traumatic stress disorder due to all the traumatic events. In two realities Kayleigh goes through symptoms of depression, like sadness, thoughts of suicide, insomnia, and feelings of hopelessness due to factors like her sexual abuse and hostile environment. Each event the characters went through plays a drastic role on how they turned out, which shows that a lot of our life is really not under our control.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Great Controversy of Newton and Leibniz

The great controversy as to who discovered the Calculus first, either Isaac Newton or Gottfried Leibniz, is indeed a sordid affair, which has sullied the arena of science. Boyer speaks the truth when he says that no invention in science or mathematics can be said to be the accomplishment of one or two persons (1959, p. 187). Newton himself admitted â€Å"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants† (qtd. in Rees 2006, p. 340). Such self-effacement is part of the magnanimity that we expect from a true genius. But did Leibniz conduct himself similarly? This, I believe, is the crux of the debate. Scientists not only stand on the shoulders of the giants of the past, but they also collaborate with each other. The very greatness of science stems from the fact that it is practiced in broad daylight. There should be no place for pride and vanity here. And yet the great controversy involves nothing but vanity. In the first instant it involved the vanities of two personalities, and then embroiled the vanities of two nations. If the accolade of the â€Å"inventor of the Calculus† must go to one among the two, I believe it must go to him who has conducted himself with most honor. And in this duel Newton emerges the winner. I first catalogue all that can be said in favor of Leibniz. He was truly a philosopher, in contrast to the scientific genius that Newton was. If we examine his philosophy we will find that it is in complete harmony with what the science of the calculus describes. He postulated a theory of â€Å"monads†, which are infinitesimal units of reality in which the microcosm contains the macrocosm. Calculus is the analysis of infinitesimals, and we are able to see in it a reflection of the Monadology. Therefore it is very likely that he came to an independent discovery. Calculus was on the verge of being discovered in any case, which the works of Huygens, Barrow and Fermat attest to. It is recorded that Leibniz began work on the Calculus in 1674, independently of Newton (?), and was the first to publish in 1684 (Stillwell 2002, p. 159). His unique approach (the dy/dx notation) demonstrates clearly his originality. And because he starts from a philosophical point of view, his analysis is more intuitive and suitable to demonstration. This is why the Leibnizean notation and approach that has become the norm. But the fact remains that Newton was the first to come a thorough formulation of the Calculus. In a note to a paper written in 1666 we find him deriving a tangent to a curve using his â€Å"method of fluxions†. In this note there is as aside that reads â€Å"This is only a special case of a general method whereby I can calculate curves and determine maxima, minima, and centers of gravity† (Boyer 1959, p. 207). This clearly indicates that Newton had come to a complete formulation. But he has no regard for the vanity of publication, being the consummate scientist that he was. In the height of the controversy Newton is reported to have said, â€Å"I have never grasped at fame among foreign nations, but I am very desirous to preserve my character for honesty† (Brewster 2004, p. 72). Calculus to Newton was merely a tool that he required to come to his universal theory of gravitation and motion, and not something that should be flouted separately. He was even reluctant to publish the revolutionary Principia, and did so only after the prodding of Edmund Halley. Leibniz, on the other hand, was eager to publish and propagate his findings. While we admit to his originality to a large extent, the conduct of Leibniz is highly suspicious in the proceedings. He makes no defense of his integrity, as Newton does, but instead seem entirely intent on pushing the evidence alone, as if defending himself in a court of law, and this makes us feel that he is hiding something. Subsequent scholarship does indeed reveal that he manipulated documents before being released. He is also found to have possessed crucial papers of Newton which he fails to admit of, which C J Gerhardt unearthed in 1849, even though he did make such an admission shortly before his death (Cajori 1898, p. 240). We must judge by circumstantial evidence, because it is all that we have at this distance. When we focus on the conduct of the two disputants, Leibniz is certainly the suspect one. There is no doubt that they both collaborated with each other. But plagiarism must be construed when any one among them fails to be completely honest and forthcoming. From this point of view the accusation falls on Leibniz, who has surely acted suspiciously. Even by his own admission he was aided by Newton’s papers, yet he failed to acknowledge his debt in time. This amounts to plagiarism. And since it is Newton that he plagiarized from, it is fair to name Newton as the inventor of the Calculus. Reference List Boyer C B. (1959). The History of the Calculus and Its Conceptual Development. Chelmsford, MA: Courier Dover Publications. Brewster D. (2004). Memoirs of the Life, Writings and Discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton Part 2. Whitefish MT: Kessinger Publishing. Cajori F. (1898). A History of Elementary Mathematics. London: Macmillan. Rees N. (2006). Brewer's Famous Quotations: 5000 Quotations and the Stories. New York: Sterling Publishing Company. Stillwell J. (2002). Mathematics and Its History. New York: Springer Publishing Company.   

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Cause and effect of smoking during pregnancy Essay

Cause and effect of smoking during pregnancy - Essay Example Research studies carried out recently show that the child of a smoking mother is almost doubly at risk in contacting very serious respiratory tract diseases in its early stages of life and usually leads to hospitalization. Another major cause for this is that many societies are well known for their high rate of smoking and even since the 1800’s, people are quite aware of the fatal effects it has on health. But in the 19th century, the correlation between maternal smoking and the rate of LRI (Lower Respiratory Infection) was determined. A clinical research was carried out to determine the effect or impact that parental smoking had on children who were constantly exposed to it, and the Odds Ratio was calculated, based on the LRI, for hospitalization. The risk calculated was age related and the OR’s of prevalence of serious LRI were 1.71 (95% CI, 1.33-2.20) and 1.25 (95% CI, 0.88- 1.78) for children aged 0.2 years and 3 to 6 years respectively. (Li JS, Peat JK, Xuan W, Berry G, 1999) Other studies have shown a link between maternal smoking and a high incidence of respiratory problems including impaired lung infections. Some studies have shown harmful effects of placenta - borne exposure at the time of pregnancy including breast milk, as well as air- borne exposure right after delivery. More recent evidence, of the effect of smoking mothers on their off spring, shows that immunity plays a major role in determining this, proving to be an important mechanism. Another cause for children inflicted with wheezing and other respiratory problems was due to dust mites found in the homes of smoking mothers. According to a study undertaken by Noakes, he suggests that â€Å"Maternal smoking is associated with impaired neo-natal toll- like- receptor mediated immune responses†. (P.S Noakes, Eur. Respir. Journal, 2006) Another major factor that contributed to an adverse effect on pregnant smoking mothers was the lack of social support render during

Friday, September 27, 2019

Purpose statment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Purpose statment - Essay Example At the hospital I worked in several departments; I was able to access a lot of information relating to the field of endodontic surgery. At one point during my three weeks at the hospital, I worked as a receptionist. It provided me with an opportunity to interact with patients and dentists. In addition, it provided me with vast knowledge about endodontic dentistry. Moreover, I was the one in charge of arranging appointments, making calls and receiving calls a situation that brought me in close contact with endodontic dentist and patients who suffered from endodontic conditions on a daily basis. Furthermore, being at this dental hospital enhanced my skill in the field of dentistry. In addition during this time I was able to know the challenges associated with field, how the surgery where painful and the problems patients faced when it came to medical schemes covers. In my early days as a child, I have found pleasure in assisting others and caring for them always. In addition, I stayed with my elderly grandparents who could not work, and I used to assist them. Moreover, spending time with my grandparents has enabled me see the happiness you can bring to someone life, and this, as been my passion for creating a difference in ones life through endodontic dentistry. Therefore, this as been the driving force in taking endodontic dentistry as my profession of choice. Coupled with my childhood desire to become a dentist and the experience I had at the hospital, makes endodontic dentistry my best choice. Endodontic dentistry process involves quite a number of procedure and conditions that one must meet, and I think meet the conditions. Apart from the educational qualifications I have good communication skills, I can use effectively in calming patients when they are in distress. While working at the hospital, I went through mentoring training that enables one read people body language hence I could have a quick understanding of

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Assessment of Nursing Care Using Simulation Essay

Assessment of Nursing Care Using Simulation - Essay Example Below is a detailed explanation the students’ competencies that simulations can evaluate and how the evaluation and assessment would be carried out. The first competence that simulations in nursing can assess is the communication skills of the nursing students. Good communication skills are a vital quality that should be possessed by every nurse who claims to be professional. Simulation can be used to track the improvements made by nurses with regard to communication skills because according to Gaba (2004), simulation is also a tool that improves the students' communication skills. Gaba’s sentiments were seconded by some recent researches done by Kameg et al. (2010). If simulations can be used to improve the communication skills of the student nurses, then they sure can be structured to also assess every individual nurses’ communication skills and any improvement they might portray over their learning period. The simulation used in this manner can be an important tool for nurses’ assessment. It is important to note that assessment can also be made by the students who may want to evaluate their communication skills and their progress over time by tracking their performance in various simulated tests. Simulation can also be used to assess the nursing skills of a nursing student. Simulation in the nursing field started with an objective of instilling psychomotor techniques into aspiring nurses but later broadened its boundaries to incorporate the use of skills in certain nursing related areas.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

MGM604-0802B-01 Organizational Behavior - Phase 3 Individual Project Essay

MGM604-0802B-01 Organizational Behavior - Phase 3 Individual Project - Essay Example Human Relationship Management (Armstrong, Michael 2006) is a strategic function of the management, and diagnosis reveals how and why people react under given circumstances and the ways and means of bringing about affinity in the workplace. Having decided to change to a new vision and mission statements, the organization faces the crucial stage of managing the change in terms of human resources. However, prior to taking any step in this direction, there is a need for organizational diagnosis, which has been described by Posma and Kok (1999) as being the research of the functioning of an organization. This is relevant as it highlights the holistic nature of the current status and helps in developing a model for affecting the change required. During such diagnosis, many components such as organizational structure, leadership, and motivation are examined to determine the culture of the organization. It is argued that such a diagnosis should be done for the whole organization and not just the individual components, as otherwise the larger picture will remain incomplete (Nadler & Tushman 1980). An organization can be examined from different perspectives. There are a number of diagnostic models that provide many different views, emphasizing a variety of aspects, but in the end a complete picture emerges. It is prudent to use more than one model in order that the culture and sub-culture of the organization are disclosed for the change managers to decide on which course of action should be taken to bring about the changes and to implement change plans. The most commonly used diagnostics are the PEST and SWOT analysis. They examine how the internal and external environments affect the performance of an organization. There is also a third model called the Evolutionary Cycle of Competitive Behaviour evolved by Strebel (1966). PEST stands for Political, Economic, Socio-Cultural and Technological

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Industrial Pollution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Industrial Pollution - Essay Example people engage in such as dumping plastics are all part of massive chain reaction that ultimately results in the destruction or decimation of millions of lives both human and animal world over. Inevitably, every form of pollution has an impact on the environment and the animals in it, the effects may range from minor discomfort to serious conditions such as cancer and physical deformities. Industrial pollution contributes to the greenhouse effect that results in climate change disrupting weather patterns resulting to widespread famine, and it is the leading cause of health and enviromental challenges affecting animals and plants resulting in ill health and even death. The seepage of pollutant matter from industries is without doubt the biggest threat to human health with the pollution of water air and land resulting in illness and loss of life on a massive scale. Studies have proven the existence of a direct connection between outdoor air pollution and hospital admission records, showing that within every 10 micrograms of particulate matter in the air, the risk of respiratory conditions like lung cancer go up by 1%. Over 1.2 billion people have no access to clean water because of the high levels of pollutant matter in water bodies. The consequence has been that waterborne infections account for a significant fraction of the infectious diseases, it is approximated that over 5 million people, half of whom are children die from unsanitary living conditions directly attributed to the pollution of their environment (Briggs, 2014). While conceding that the impacts of industrial pollution are very serious, it is not too late to take preventive actions. This can be achieved through collaboration by the shareholders who are in this case; governments, citizens and the corporates that mostly run the suspect industries. Firstly, the policies for reducing the amounts of emissions as well as regulating waste disposal more so in landfills and other water bodies should be

Monday, September 23, 2019

Fifties & Advertisements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Fifties & Advertisements - Essay Example In the US, these advertisements were very much against the USSR and were bent on expressing opinions against the communism. During the post-World War II era, these advertisements gained much popularity and support from the masses. The government authorities were also eager to support these advertisements even if they portrayed inaccurate details about USSR and communism. This paper shall further explain and provide support to the idea that these advertisements increased the tension between the US and the USSR. This paper is being conceptualized in order to establish a scholarly and academic discussion of the thesis and the subject matter. The thesis of this paper is: that the 1950s Cold War Advertisements were used as propaganda by the US to sell the war to the American people. The 1950s Cold War advertisements depicted scenes and images which were very much anti-USSR and anti-communism. Three reasons why this thesis is true are based on the following explanations: 1. these images were supported by the US government even if they were inaccurate depictions of USSR and of communism; 2. these advertisements focused on gaining support for the Cold War; and 3. these images nurtured the image of the USSR and communism as evil and threats to American democracy and world peace. The Cold War advertisements were used by the US to sell the war to the American people. The advertisements which were posted during the Cold War period had the backing of the US government. The US government used advertisements in order to fuel further the feelings against communism and the USSR. An ad from Scot Tissue Towels reads: â€Å"Is your washroom breeding Bolsheviks?† and another advertisement for â€Å"truth dollars† reads: â€Å"Sure I want to fight communism—but how? With truth dollars—that’s how! The ad goes on to say that the truth dollars â€Å"fight communism in its own backyard –

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Literature Review Rough Draft Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Literature Review Rough Draft - Research Paper Example Cho et al. (2009) measured staffing with the help of two indicators; the first being the number of patients attended by a nurse counted at unit level, and the second being nurses’ perceptions of the adequacy of staffing. Cho et al. (2009) measured the quality of care and dissatisfaction with job using a burnout and a four-point scale gauged with the help of the Maslach Burnout Inventory, and determined the relationships between the three variables using the multilevel logistic regression models. Their research led them to the conclusion that nurse staffing is related to the care quality as well as job outcomes in the intensive care units of Korean hospitals. This conclusion was drawn on the basis of these findings; 20 per cent of the nurses perceived that the number of nurses needed to provide quality care was sufficient, whereas 33.33 per cent of the nurses were dissatisfied, 50 per cent were extremely burnt out with 25 per cent nurses contemplating to leave the hospital in t he following year. The optimal number of patients per nurse for high quality care as determined by the nurses was two or fewer. Kiekkas et al. (2008) explored variations in mortality of intensive care unit (ICU) patients based on the ratio between the total demands of patient care and staffing of nurses. Unlike Cho et al. (2009), whose design of research was cross-sectional along with a survey spanning August to October 2007, Kiekkas et al. (2008) conducted an observational and prospective study. Another major difference between the research of Cho et al. (2009) and Kiekkas et al. (2008) is that while the former included 1365 nurses in the survey who belonged to 65 units of intensive care in 22 different Korean hospitals to study the relationship between the staffing of nurses and the quality of nursing care related to nurses and job outcomes, the latter enrolled patients who were consecutively admitted in a Greek hospital’s medical

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Discuss the Roles of Language and Reason in History Essay Example for Free

Discuss the Roles of Language and Reason in History Essay History as the area of knowledge is virtually indivisible from language and reasoning. Language is one of the most potent means of interpreting and reporting historical information that is derived from the sources pertinent to the events and occurrences. The sources themselves, in their turn, are frequently presented by the written documents, recorded anecdotal experiences, and works of art, archeology, anthropology and photography which, yet again, are interpreted through the language in conjunction with the context of a historical event. It appears to be an endless loop, where language is the alpha and omega, the main vehicle of conveying history. However, to arrive to the valid interpretation of a certain historical event or development, historians frequently use reasoning to connect the factual data of the tangible sources since the latter ones often come in the form of fragments, related to a particular aspect of the happening. Ideally, reasoning, applied to the interpretation of historical data, should be impersonal, unaffected by predominant views and opinions and completely untainted by political agenda. Yet, it is hard to imagine that throughout the centuries those who held power would willingly allow the contemporary historians relate to the masses the adequate information on the details of their governing techniques and actions. As Winston Churchill pointed out, â€Å"History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.† Therefore, it is up to an individual to interpret the language, deduce information through applying reasoning, incorporate other areas of knowledge such as science, sociology, psychology and arrive to conclusions in attempts to comprehend historical developments in question. It is important to point out that we frequently perceive historical events as they are presented by those who hold some form of authority: the individuals whom we refer to as experts or the mass media and research bodies who are entrusted with the responsibility to convey information to masses. And here comes the essential aspect: the validity of the statements and projections made by the mentioned authorities. In other words, in search for the truthful perspective of a historical event one needs to remember about the language that is used for such interpretations, the language of power. Truth in history is a dubious concept since any event which involves certain outcomes would be interpreted by a number of experts. The outcomes of the events be it revolutions, wars, or reigns of monarchs and are usually appear in form of facts: toppling of governments, changes in ideologies and laws that societies are to adhere to, development or stagnation of the economy in a given country. These are the facts that are presented in the form of explanations, commentaries, and justifications. And here the language of power might play the crucial role in the way this information is to be perceived. To distinguish the motives behind the language that is used for presenting the event, one needs to look for other sources that interpret the same development, but from a different angle. For instance, the attack on the World Trade Center, New York City, in 2001 is vastly believed to be executed by the group of terrorists known as Al-Qaeda, and hence perceived as â€Å"the terrorist attack†. The mass media of the entire world presented the fact that over 2,700 people perished during the atrocious bombing which involved the hijacked airplanes driven into both towers which collapsed within a short period of time. However, the independent sources point at the undeniable facts that the World Trade Center towers were â€Å"designed to take the impact of the Boeing 707 hitting the building at any location† (Les Robertson, WTC Structural Engineer) and â€Å"could sustain multiple impacts of jetliners† (Frank A. Demartini, Manager of WTC Construction) and still survive (Aaron Swirsky, WTC Architect)1. Other sources, such as a scientific research conducted by Dr Steven Johns, Professor of Physics, BYU, state that the way the buildings collapsed precisely follows the scenario of a controlled demolition. Here, historical event calls for the help of reasoning, which can raise further questions to authorities that put the entire responsibility on the Al-Qaeda. The more scientific and factual evidence emerges from the research, the more controversial this event seems to be. But it is for an individual to arrive to a conclusion provided he or she is concerned with the issue. However, the prevailing opinion that was projected into the minds of the public by mass media remains adamant: the terrorist group dealt a tremendous blow to the democracy of the United States and must pay for it. Hence, there is a fully justifiable war with Iraq, the country which has a doubtful connection with Al-Qaeda, apart from the fact that it is run by a dictator and constitutes a predominantly Muslim society. But the non-Muslim world has already been contaminated by the fear of Muslims who seem to be nearly synonymous with â€Å"terrorists†. â€Å"Thus, [†¦] crowds have come,[†¦] to acquire a profound antipathy for the images evoked by certain words†2 and fully accepted the justification for the war in Iraq. Reasoning is an indispensable tool for those who wish to form a personal opinion on historical events which are presented through language. Yet this process entails searching for the information from the alternative sources. Language is used as a powerful vehicle in creating certain views among various groups of societies, and such language is frequently applied by those who are concerned with power. History is abound with examples in which governing bodies used language to impose ideology and ensure that the masses are entirely convinced in the righteousness of such propaganda: the Soviet Union, China and socialism, Germany and Nazism, the United States and democracy. However, upon a simple application of reasoning, a series of questions arise: how a nation that was claimed to be fed by pure ideology could exist for more than 75 years and build one of the most successful, self-sustaining industries and sciences that are still recognized, though grudgingly, throughout the entire capi talistic world? How could a nation develop such a potent economy that is still burgeoning while the other one is desperately trying to recover from the economic meltdown that has affected nearly the entire world? What could make a nation believe a mentally ill person3 and empower it to conquer the entire Europe? It is indubitable that the language of power and the power of language were effectively used by the leaders of those nations. However, it is reasoning that can help an independent researcher or a concerned individual in the quest of constructing a clear picture on what forces were involved in such profound changes on such vast scales. Of course, it is naà ¯ve to presume that reasoning alone might provide clarifications to the historical events under scrutiny. Reasoning in history is a second step in interpreting historical developments after pertinent to them materials were selected and carefully studied. These materials would include evidence from various fields and areas of knowledge, and the greater the scope of those areas, the more comprehensible and significant the features of events would emerge before the eyes of the researcher. Language might play the roles of obscuring the conditions and implications of historical events; yet the same language might be used in explaining the factors that led to the consequences produced by those events. However, it is the effort in applying reasoning and logic that would eventually create an unobstructed perspective on the historical developments and occurrences in question. References and works cited: 1. Joseph, Peter. 2007. Zeitgeist. Online. Accessed: Dec 21, 2010. 2. Le Bon, Gustave. 1841-1931. The Crowd: A study of the Popular Mind. 1841-1931. Translation: Psychologie des foules. Cherokee Publishing Company. Atlanta, Georgia. 1982. Pg. 100 3. The International Campaign for Real History. Hitler’s Last Illness. Online. Accessed: Dec 23, 2010.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Android-based English Grammar Checker with Voice Recognition

Android-based English Grammar Checker with Voice Recognition ABSTRACT In this paper, the Researchers describe an Android-based Voice Recognition system that acts as a grammar checker specifically geared to the needs of non-native speakers who are willing to learn and be familiarized with English language. This paper also examines how wrong usage of grammar can affect the communication of people both orally and in writing. Most commercial grammar checkers on the market today are meant to be used by native speakers of a language who have good intuitions about their own language competence. These tools were made to help native speakers who were not fluent in other language, thus making their outputs grammatically correct. However, these errors vary from one another, the reason why different grammar checkers are designed for different specific needs. The grammar checking component uses island processing rather than a full parse. This approach is both rapid and appropriate when a text contains many errors. In this research, it aims to develop a complete voi ce-based English grammar checker application that will help non-native speakers that want to learn and to speak English fluently. The focus of this paper is the grammar checking component. This approach is both useful and more efficient, since it directly corrects the grammar by translating the voice into text. The system also used Internet Search Engines that will provide examples of how the content of the voice into text segment can be expressed in a grammatically correct and idiomatic way. This application can help people having a hard time in expressing themselves using the English Language. KEYWORDS Voice Recognition, Grammar Checker, Android, Natural Language Processing, Mobile, Application, Vocabulary, Grammar INTRODUCTION One of the common reasons of miscommunication is due to wrong choice of words, resulting to poor grammar. Poor grammar later results of miscommunication or worse, someone with bad grammar was often insulted or shamed by people. To avoid these, word-processing systems are developed at the present time already include grammar checkers that are used to locate different grammatical errors in a text. These tools were made to help native speakers who were not fluent in another language, thus making their outputs grammatically correct. It is also intended to help its researchers to write texts in English, which is not their language. Although their command of the language is generally acceptable, most of them do not feel confident about their correctness and the expressiveness of their writing. However, these errors vary from one another, the reason why different grammar checkers are designed for different specific needs. Internet provides a boundless number of documents in English so the main function of the checker is the use of an Internet search engine that detects the text segments that are not found on any web pages. But most of these tools were aimed to help native speakers to check their English grammar, but what about Filipino and other citizens who are not fluent in speaking in English Language? How can one point out his or her grammar mistakes when they are trying to write a paper in our language? We designed an Android application for grammar-checking in English Language by using voice recognition. This android application aims to help the users that wants to learn English Language fluently and at the same time, it can help to improve their English vocabulary and grammar. The system will require the user to record a voice message. After the recording, the system will translate the message into text. There will be two buttons, the record again and go. If the text output is wrong, the user should press the record again button and if the text output is correct, the user can proceed. The system will now check the grammar. For example, the user recorded â€Å"Matt like Fish†. The text output was correct, so the user pressed go. The system will now process the grammar checking and after a few seconds, the system will give the corrected result via text output which is â€Å"Matt likes Fish.† In order to find out the common errors usually done by users, we conducted a survey among potential users around the New Era University, specifically some Filipino students who are a bit struggling when it comes to speaking English fluently. We ranked the results by percentage so that we know what we should be focusing on. A total of 30 respondents participated in the survey. DESCRIPTION OF THE COMPONENTS Internet search engine Grammar Checker Internet Search engine The checker used the Wordnet 3.0 engine, a lexical database for the English Language. It arranges English words into sets of synonyms called synsets. The engines used to find the search results for a text segment are Google and Yahoo. Grammar Checker Part of a system that verify written text for grammatical correctness. The implementation of a grammar checker makes use of Natural Language Processing. Once the grammar checker has been active, the text which is based on the voice recorded by the user will undergo a number of stages. It is separated into sentences and words. The individual words are then looked up in the internet. It includes all the words that occur in the system with all its possible usage. METHODOLOGY The table shows the results of the survey. With this table, we are now informed about the common mistakes that the potential users might commit. This table will help us to distinguish and to focus more on the most common error to help the users more efficiently. The common error that had the highest percentage is the improper structure of English sentences. Next is the improper use of verbs. Third is an improper classification of Noun. Fourth is the improper combinations of certain words, fifth is incorrect use of Adjectives and lastly, is improper use of Adverbs. This application will help the users construct English sentences which are grammatically correct. In this way, the users will learn their mistakes and at the same time, learn how to speak and write in English fluently. The following table gives the percentages of errors found in the surveys conducted. Table 1. Error Percentage SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE Figure 1 Grammar Checker Architecture Figure 1 shows the architecture of the system. It shows the flow of the system and how the system works and also how to gain and give a possible output of the application. Figure 1.2 Voice Recognition In this picture, it shows the stress of the user’s recorded voice and translates it into text. The system will recognize the voice and checks its grammar in the process. After that, the user will now find out his/her mistakes and the system will provide the correct grammar. METHODOLOGY RELATED WORKS Automatic voice recognition has a long history speech processing. Automatic speech recognitioncan bedefinedas the independent, computer-driven transcription of spoken language into readable text in real time (Stuckless, 1994). There is a lot of research has been done for Android applications including Speech Analysis and Natural Language Processing. Voice Recognition today is still improving as additional uses for the technology are developed. The applied voice analysis to conclude activities happened around a user. Voice Recognition Technology can set up to depend on tools known as grammar models that help minimize the data required to recognize the signals. DESIGN AND ALGORITHM ANALYSIS The eCheck: An Android-based English Grammar Checker Using Voice Recognition is designed to guide and help not only Filipino citizens, but also other people that want to learn English fluently and at the same time, improve their English vocabulary and grammar skills. SYSTEM OVERVIEW As stated in this study, the Researchers applied the same basic principles as they have adopted before, however, the Researchers considered a chart to show the flow of the system and to show how our application work. The Researchers also tried to measure the connection of each sentence in the message of the set of categories in our study. Once the grammar checker has been activated, the text which is based on the voice recorded by the user will undergo a number of stages. It is separated into sentences and words. The individual words are then looked up in the dictionary (see Burnage 1990). It includes all the words that occur in the system with all its possible usage. There are some words that are the same, but has a different meaning. In this sense our dictionary is not a simplified type. It is vast but simply a shorter version. CONCLUSION / RECOMMENDATIONS The capability and reliability of the Voice Recognition technology have been ever-growing. With more attention and implementation into the world’s most common operating devices, this technology will continue to develop. The Overall evaluation of this application is very helpful, especially to the Filipino citizens. This application can generate data that can give answers to their grammar and speaking concerns, With the advancement of technology, doing a grammar check and spelling is easier than you think. It no longer requires hitting the books and having lots of thesauruses or dictionaries at hand. The Researchers recommend this application for non-native speakers having a hard time in expressing themselves using the English Language.This application can be used for the business and transactions that requires them to speak in English. Because this application can help them to learn more about the English Language by just speaking and by knowing the grammar proper and the right pronunciation of it. There are many features of English that make it fun and interesting to learn. The Researchers also recommend this application to Everyone who wants to learn the proper grammar in English, for them to improve, to gain more knowledge and to fully develop their speaking and also grammar concerns in their own language. By using this application, they are just like having a tutor and a grammar book. The Researchers also recommend that if this study continues to improve, it is needed to be developed and implemented because these tools were made to help native speakers who were not fluent in English language and to discover more about it.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Cause and Effect of the Tsunami in Thailand in 2004 Essay -- Natur

The Cause and Effect of the Tsunami in Thailand in 2004 The tsunami in Thailand that occurred on December 26, 2004, was by far the largest tsunami catastrophe in human history. It was triggered by a magnitude 9.1-9.3 earthquake along the Indian-Australian subduction zone off the northern coast of Sumatra. The tsunami waves traveled primarily in the east to west direction and caused major damage along the coasts of southern Thailand. Unpredictably, it was a violent earthquake beneath the sea that initiated the massive waves and struck more than a dozen countries in Southern Asia. It also destroyed thousands of miles of coastline and even submerged entire islands permanently. Throughout the region, the tsunami killed more than 150,000 people, and a million more were hurt, homeless, and without food or drinkable water, making it perhaps the most destructive tsunami in the modern history. In spite of peninsular Thailand's location facing the northern part of this subduction zone, the lack of any written historical records, together with the l ack of any major local seismic activity, the tsunami caused thousands of fatalities and huge economic losses in the popular tourist regions in Thailand. Immediately after the disaster, numerous organizations and individual citizens have helped out and contributed to this devastating tsunami. Indeed, the tsunami in Thailand was a worldwide event, with significant wave action felt around the world. In this context, I am focusing more on the key features of the tsunami’s natural causes, the psychological effects on citizens, the perspective of socio-economic impacts and the consequences of the tsunami calamity. What triggered this horrific natural disaster that took place off the western coast of... ... the catastrophic event into an opportunity for the future. Even though the tsunami of December 2004 ended in a huge death toll, ongoing trauma and homelessness of millions of Asians, still they can recuperate from this entire horrific event. If any good at all is to come from this adversity on a human scale, it will certainly be considered by the compassion and generosity that the world reveals to the survivors. I must admit that I find very difficult to let it sink in my brain the fact that it can happen to all of us anywhere and any time around the globe. It might not be a tsunami that these citizens have experienced, but there are other natural disasters we can stumble upon as well. Surely, it has been a great experience for me to write this paper and to discover the truth about the tsunami and the total effects of what these people have to deal with.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Things They Carried :: essays research papers

In Tim O'Brien's 'The Things They Carried'; detailed description and realism were used to capture the audience and draw them into the actual events in the story, allowing them to feel the burden of emotional and physical weight on the characters, who were fighting to preserve their sanity and lives. The vivid detail and realistic narration were only tools used by the author to prepare a story that goes beyond the war in Vietnam, focusing on the other things that soldiers carried - inner thoughts, feelings, and emotions.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The story was brought to life by the realistic but disjointed narration of the author, illustrated by returning to the death of Ted Lavender throughout the story. Someone who had actually experienced similar events could only write the story with such detail. The repetitive narration describing the accumulation of things they carried eventually had meaning. This was the way their lives had become, step by step, ounce by ounce. The repetition reached a climax when the author revealed the heaviest of all the things they carried, 'They carried all the emotional baggage of men who might die'; (paragraph 77).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The main characters in the story were First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross and Martha, a college student who wrote to him. The story flowed from beginning to end, characterizing the changes in Jimmy Cross as he dealt with his emotions as well as the responsibility to the men in his platoon. In the beginning of the story he was depic ted as a Jones 2 boyish leader with dreams of Martha being his escape from the senseless reality of the war. When one of his men was killed he accepted the responsibility and guilt, which changed him into the leader he thought he should have been – forgetting Martha and protecting his men. This plot linked together all the actions and events that happened in the story.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Tim O'Brien used third-person point of view to tell the story. The omniscient angle of vision enabled him to reveal the thoughts and actions of all the characters. He graphically illustrated this when describing the 'freedom birds'; they dreamed about, taking them away while on guard at night (paragraph 81). There were many similar examples throughout the story.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The main idea of the story was well defined by literary critic Joanne McCarthy when she wrote, 'Pranksters must become killers, dreamers must become realists – or someone dies'; (McCarthy par.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

What would happen if the World Runs out of Oil and Gas :: essays research papers

Oil is hydrocarbons that grew up in the earth when source rock full of organic inclusions sank to just the right depth not too little and not too much and got cooked over the ages. It took hundreds of millions of years for the world's supply of oil to be created. The oil is used to make gasoline obviously, but also home heating oil, diesel fuel but also 90 percent of all the organic chemicals that we use. That includes pharmaceuticals, agricultural products, plastics, fabrics and so on. They are petrochemicals, meaning they originate as oil. the need for those hydrocarbon materials has been increasing for 150 years and will go on increasing especially because the world's population is increasing. The poorer parts of the world want to increase their standard of living, which inevitably means using more energy. Fossil fuels are our principal source of energy. I hope that enough people will become aware of the problem and we will be a little better prepared, Right now we don't have the kind of leadership that would take us in the direction that would make major changes. As individuals we can do things, driving hybrid cars, for example. But as a society we have to redesign cities so that people live close to where they work. There are all kinds of measures. We are so profligate in the use of energy that even with the smallest effort we can reduce the rate at which we use energy very significantly, as Californians showed after the last energy crisis. But what we really need is massive infusion of research on all of the possible ways of ameliorating this problem. It's possible for us to revert either to natural gas or to coal or both. Among consequences are the increasing global climate change. But another consequence is, let us suppose you tried to substitute coal for oil. Natural gas is a good substitute and it will last for a while but it will have its own peak one or two decades after oil, so it's only a temporary solution. If you turn to coal, we're now using twice as much energy from oil as we are from coal. So if you want to liquefy coal as a substitute for oil in transportation which is its most important application you would have to mine coal at a rate that's many, many times at the rate of what we're doing now.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Homosexuality in Football Essay

Chapter One: Introduction: Addressing Homophobia in Football * Introduction should just give a brief idea of what work is going to be about so not much detail * Outline your argument – footballers affect society so a lack of homosexual players is also bound to affect the way it is portrayed * Talk about the problems surrounding football – i.e. racism, sexism. What is different about homophobia? * Why is homophobia a problem in football? Why is it taboo? * Talk about programmes enforced to help combat it; i.e. just mention Stonewall, different programmes etc * Outline the different chapters you will be writing in the diss: i.e. I will be looking at (describe chapter 2) Only needs to be a page long, maybe a little longer. Basically outline your argument and refer back to your question, mention problems in football – why homophobia is taboo / big problem, talk about programmes (briefly) and then outline what you’ll be talking about in each chapter. FINALLY sa y at the end what you hope to conclude – i.e. homophobia is a big problem, it does affect society, what can be done? I intend to explore homosexuality within the footballing world, and how, if at all, its representative’s views on it affect those of societies. Football is Britain’s national sport, engrained into every aspect of our culture, and as such players are role models that transcend all classes, colours and creeds; so why do such a minute percentage feel it is a safe environment in which to be openly homosexual? Are the individuals involved simply inherently homophobic, or are there more deep-rooted explanations? I will be looking in chapter two at masculinity and where homosexuality lies within it, focusing particularly on the theories surrounding footballs role in reproducing a hegemonic masculine environment. Over the last 20-30 years it has become more fashionable to explore the varying moulds of masculinity, and I will observe footballs relationship with these developments. The differences on and off the pitch are also of relevance, and can be scrutinised easily due to th e massive interest in, and thus coverage of, footballing culture. Chapter three explores possible reasons behind the lack of openly homosexual professional footballers today and throughout history, primarily using player interviews and concentrating on the case of Justin Fashanu, the first professional British player to reveal their homosexuality to the public. I will also discuss the issue as an international problem, which is not isolated to Britain and the Premier League. Finally, an evaluation of footballers as role models in our culture at present forms the basis of chapter four – how exactly do their views affect society’s’? ADD IN WHEN WRITTEN CHAPTER The industry has managed to overcome various other serious issues, such as racism and sexism, so what is it doing to combat homophobia? Since many efforts by the F.A. to address homophobia have been deemed superficial, does the F.A. even consider it as serious a problem as the aforementioned problems? The Stonewall organisation in particular has completed extensive research into the issues surrounding homophobia in football, interviewing players and fans alike, and even setting up the first gay football club. How successful has this been in drawing attention to the problem so clearly rife in the modern game, and what else can be done to encourage the changes so desperately required to come into fruition? I hope to discover through my research the extent to which homophobia runs in football, and by whom it is considered a problem. I am also intrigued to see how the public perceive the current situation, and how it alongside general footballing culture has influenced them, if at all.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Artemis Fowl Book Report

He had devised a plan that would restore his family's fortune, a plan that could people civilizations and plunge the planet into a cross species war. Was at Ho Chi Mini City waiting for our contact Guan Unguent accompanied by Butler. As we waited Guan walked up to us dressed as a waiter. Obvious. Handmade loafers, a silk shirt, three gold signet rings. Pathetic really. Only to check for weapons. Who does he think I am? I told him that I was unarmed but for fun I told him about Butler. How he had tons of weapons and how he could kill him even without them. It was hilarious.He looked as if he were going to cry. Finally he told us to look at a picture he had. It was a wrinkly green hand. Guan then told us that she is a healer that works in exchange for rice wine. She was always drunk. He led us to a fire escape in Tu Do Street. I asked Butler for the night vision goggles. Inside I saw the green old hag. She asked for wine. Butler gave her the Irish whiskey. It was the same wrinkly green hand. I told Butler to give Guan the money. Finally things were going according to plan. She asked me if had anything that needed healing. I told her only wanted her book.She threatened to kill me. I told her that I would save her if she gave me the book. She gave me a questioning look. Perhaps the affects of the holy water hadn't darted yet. Told her about it and she said I murdered her. Then she started listening to what I had to say. Told her that we had two vials: #1 a vial of spring water from the fairy well sixty meters below Tara, Ireland the most magical place on the Earth, it would counteract the holy water and #2 a booster with a virus that feeds on alcohol which will flush every drop of rice wine out of her body.She asked me how could I trust you. That was a good question. Sometimes I can't even trust myself. I had to say something so I told her that I would give her the first vial on faith and the second one after am even the book for at least 30 minutes. Butler gave he r the first shot with the syringe gun then she gave me the book. I took my camera and took a picture of every page of the characters then gave it back and Butler injected the second vial, we left immediately. A century's worth of alcohol leaving the body isn't a pretty sight. When we got home I checked on mum.Sleeping like a baby. If she had recovered I would have to cancel everything and go to school. I went to my room uploading the files into my computer. It was a mixture of symbols and characters they were all around the page in no regular order. I printed all the ages and tacked them to the wall. First I needed a central point language so I started with English, Chinese, Arabic, Greek, Cyrillic, and even Gingham texts. There was still nothing. Was frustrated; none of the characters had a match. I thought hard and remembered the only base language didn't try: Egyptian. Finally a hit.The computer didn't show anything so I would have to get every Gnomish figure and compare it with the hieroglyphics. At midnight when I was done I fed my findings into the Macintosh. I pressed decode. Papers of meaningless gibberish came flowing out. Now all I had to do was find out the order it was written in. The Arabic right to left, no, the Chinese columns, no. Nothing worked. Then I noticed a tiny dot in the middle Of each page with arrows around it Then I knew that it was read in spirals. I typed spiral on the read menu and the letters came out in lines, finally. This was it.The Book of the People. Being Instructions to our Magic's And Life Rules. Carry me always, carry me well. Am thy teacher of herb and spell am thy link to power arcane. Forget me and thy magic will wane. Ten times ten commandments there be. They will answer every mystery. Cures, curses, alchemy. These secrets shall be thin, through me. But fairy remember this above all. Am not for those in mud that crawl. And forever doomed shall be the one, who betrays my secrets one by one†¦ Finally the book was translated and read. Now it was time for the thing I do best; plot dastardly acts.After a few hours I called Butler and Juliet(Butler's sister) into the room. I told them that according to the book, all we have to do is stakeout at an ancient tree at a full moon at a river bend. Juliet questioned me about fairies and how they weren't real, that got me thinking that all this work could be for nothing, but again the book proved quite promising. I told Juliet to get a cage into the cellar. We had over 100 places to try, it wouldn't be as easy as I thought. Four months of searching, not a hit. After 1 hour of waiting the proximity alarms flashed red someone was here. Hacked the scope and saw a figure bending down beside a tree. It was a possible fairy picking up a seat. In the bushes I saw Butler hold the dart pistol with the red dot pointed at her neck. Butler pulled the trigger, but out of a million odds she ducked again. Now she noticed she was under fire, we would have to do this ma nually. Butler was already ahead of the game and started to taunt the fairy. New that it was my turn so I started to scare the fairy. Butler stood behind her preparing a second tranquilizer dart while stalled her. Finally Butler shot her in the back and took her helmet.I couldn't believe how human the fairy looked. When We got TO Fowl Manor I examined the helmet and found a small tracking device. Of course they be following us now. Or they be following the tracker at least. I told Butler to get the car. It's time for road trip number 2. When we got too the dock I told Butler we needed a diversion. Butler nodded then I went to the nearest whaler and dumped the tracker inside. I put a mob there also to whoever was tracking it down. When got back to the car Butler was still fighting some men. Felt sorry for them. Even I don't want to pick a fight with him.After he finished he came to the car and we drove back to Fowl Manor. Went to our prisoner in a cage in the basement. It was time to taunt her once again. Told her, her name: Holly Short, rank: Captain and the rules in the house. Finally she asked how knew these things. I was surprised. It seemed like she didn't know she had a name tag on her. Told her I was aiming for gold. She again asked how do we know everything. Knew that couldn't tell err had the book so I told her we gave her a truth serum and she told us everything. She went to a corner thinking how had she had betrayed her people. Aft and went to Butler who was monitoring the cameras. Nothing yet. I told Butler to try the avenue and freeze the picture. He did and five black figures appeared on the screen. I handed him a bigger helmet that had several filters that allowed him to see shielded fairies. Butler went outside to take care of them. Before he left I told him to get the head to talk with better scared than dead. After a few minutes Butler came back with a handful of technology and left or preparation for my special visitor. They'd put a time stop on Fowl Manor.Seconds later the clock stopped and an unshielded figure stepped onto the lawn. The game was just beginning. Came to the front door and allowed him to come in. Told him that in return for the captain that I wanted a ton often-carat gold. He told me that he was going to kill us all with a bomb that I already knew of. I told him I could escape it. He was bewildered. He told me that nobody could escape the bio bomb, and then he left. After he left I went straight to the surveillance room and I noticed that Butler wasn't going around doing his rounds. Diode butler and asked him what was he doing.

Lee Harvey Oswald Was Not the Lone Assassin

On November 22nd, 1963, President John F. Kennedy (JFK) was shot and killed in a motorcade running through Dealy Plaza, in Dallas, Texas. Shortly after, a man by the name of Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested and charged with the murder of President Kennedy. Over the years there has been much controversy over if Lee Harvey Oswald was in fact, the only man involved in the assassination of JFK. The assassination is still a topic of debate to this day and has spawned many conspiracy theories. At the time, there was little persuasive evidence to prove that Oswald was involved in any sort of conspiracy to assassinate the president, but as time went on people began to grow suspicious of certain things. In 1966, Mark Lane was one of the first to introduce the idea that Oswald did not act alone with the publication of his book Rush to Judgment. Now today, 75% of people believe Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone[1], 70% of respondents believed that the assassination involved more than one person[2]. Also 66% of Americans believe that there was a conspiracy, while 74% believed that there was a cover up[3]. It is inevitable that there is much confusion as to who was involved in the assassination of President Kennedy, but I firmly believe that there is indisputable evidence that shows that Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone in the assassination. To start off, after the assassination took place and Oswald was captured, authorities changed the identity of the murder weapon many times. For instance, Deputy Sheriff Eugene Boone and Deputy Constable Seymour Weitzman both initially identified the murder weapon as a 6. 5 mm Carcano rifle, but the following day Weitzman signed affidavit describing the weapon as a 7. 5mm Mauser bolt action rifle, equipped with a 4/18 scope. Later on, investigators identified the rifle as a 6. 5mm Carcano, proving that Weitzman lied about the murder weapon. In his book, Mark Lane exploits this as the strongest reason why there was a cover up. He says â€Å"The strongest element in the case against Lee Harvey Oswald was the Warren Commission's conclusion that his rifle had been found on the 6th floor of the Book Depository building. Yet Oswald never owned a 7. 65 Mauser. When the FBI later reported that Oswald had purchased only a 6. 5 Italian Mannlicher-Carcano, the weapon t police headquarters in Dallas miraculously changed its size, its make and its nationality. The Warren Commission concluded that a 6. 5 Mannlicher-Carcano, not a 7. 65 German Mauser, had been discovered by the Dallas deputies. † Also many witnesses to the assassination were aggressively confronted and were told to keep quiet about what they saw. Acquilla Clemmons, who claimed she saw two men, not only Oswald, at the scene of Officer J. D. Tippet’s[4] murder, says a man armed with a gun confronted her at her house and told her not to speak of what she saw. Leading off of this, in the next three years following the assassination, 18 witnesses were mysteriously killed along with many people dealing with the investigation process. This is significant because it shows that it was not just a coincidence that out of the small number of people that were testifying as witnesses already, many were being killed off. Somebody wanted these witnesses quiet. These deaths seemed to follow a pattern. Whenever various government agencies started a new investigation to look further into the assassination, key people within the agency would be killed, and the investigations halted. Key people were murdered when the New Orleans District Attorney, Senate Intelligence Committee, and House Select Committee on Assassinations started to conduct efficient investigations. Another claim by the Warren commission is that a single bullet killed the president and wounded the governor. There are many flaws with this theory, most prominent being that if there was in fact only one bullet shot, it must have traveled through 15 layers of clothing, 7 layers of skin, approximately 15 inches of tissue, struck a necktie knot, removed 4 inches of rib, and shattered a radius bone. Apart from this being very unlikely, the Zapruder film[5] shows President Kennedy being wounded in between frames 225 and 226, while Governor Connelly appears to have been wounded in frame 240. Pro conspiracy theorists believe that this is indisputable evidence that there were two shooters, because it is impossible to fire two shots from a Carcano rifle in less than 2. 3 seconds (43 frames in the film), meanwhile for anti conspiracy theorists it proves the single bullet theory correct. The evidence tips in favor of the pro conspiracy theorists because this shot is irtually impossible to successfully make. With the angle the bullet entered and the fact that there was so much to go through and the bullet came out in near perfect condition, with some bend in the back of the bullet, it is more likely that there were in fact two shots fired. Judging by the fact that it is impossible to fire two shots from a Carcano rifle in less than 2. 3 seconds, and the president and the governor were h it within 15 frames of each other on the Zapruder film, it only makes sense that there were two separate gunmen. Another reason why Lee Harvey Oswald was not the lone assassin is that he himself was assassinated two days after capture. While Oswald was being transported to the county jail, he was shot point blank on live television by a man named Jack Ruby. Ruby claimed to authorities to have murdered him to avenge the death of President Kennedy. He wanted to avenge Kennedy for patriotism and out of pity for the widow. Ruby owned a nightclub in Dallas at the time, and was also a known gangster and women and drug trafficker. Although Ruby claims to have murdered Oswald as revenge for killing President Kennedy, most people believe it was part of a cover up for a much larger conspiracy. After Ruby’s arrest, he was sentenced to death, only to have his trials postponed and die of lung cancer shortly after postponing the trial. While Oswald was in interrogation, he changed his story many times when asked routine questions such as â€Å"where were you at the time of the shooting†, or â€Å"explain to us what you did the day of the assassination†. He also denied any involvement in the incident even though there was evidence against him. Oswald was bound to face further, more intense interrogation in the future, and this is the reason most people believe that assassination of Oswald was to prevent him from talking about what actually happened in the Kennedy assassination. There were also many strange reports of President Kennedy’s brain being switched from when it was seen in evidence, to when the autopsy was performed. There were pictures of Kennedy’s brain for evidence showing immense damage to the rear, consistent with an exit wound and therefore evidence of a shot from the front. Meanwhile, the autopsy brain did not nearly show the same amount of damage in the back of the brain, and an exit wound in the front. Douglas Horne, the Record Review Board's chief analyst for military records said that he was â€Å"90-95%† certain that these brains were not the same. The idea of a brain switch is highly likely according to many investigators on the subject. This is evidence of a cover up because the way the bullet entered the brain could have shown numerous things to investigators. For one thing, it could have shown the angle and direction in which the bullet entered, proving that Lee Harvey Oswald could not have shot Kennedy from the 6th story of the Texas Book Depository because of the difference in the angles. It could have also shown multiple bullet wounds, disproving the single bullet theory, and ruling out Oswald as the lone assassin. In all, having investigators obtain Kennedy’s real brain would have been catastrophic to any conspiracy, for it would have proved that the conspiracy’s scapegoat Lee Harvey Oswald was not the lone assassin. The situation in which Oswald had supposedly shot Kennedy continues to seem less and less likely to be possible. Both Craig Roberts[6] and Carlos Hathcock[7] said that this assassination could not have been done how the Warren Commission says it was. â€Å"Let me tell you what we did at Quantico, we reconstructed the whole thing: the angle, the range, the moving target, the time limit, the obstacles, everything. I don’t know how many times we tried it, but we couldn’t duplicate what the Warren Commission said Oswald did. Now if I can’t do it, how in the world could a guy who was a non-qual on the rifle range and later only qualified ‘marksman' do it? â€Å"[8] This quote vividly disproves the idea that Oswald was the lone gunman. Two highly qualified snipers completely recreated the scene of the assassination, and could not make the shot in a copious amount of attempts, but a mere marksman Oswald could make the shots perfectly in one? These odds are extremely unlikely, and to think that it is even possible that Oswald could make a shot of this caliber is absurd. There are countless reasons why Lee Harvey Oswald was not the lone gunman in the Kennedy assassination. The final verdict on the assassination of President Kennedy, is that Lee Harvey Oswald fired three shots from a 6. 5 mm Carcano rifle out of the 6th floor window in the Texas Depository building, with one bullet missing the motorcade entirely, one bullet going through Kennedy’s back, and one bullet puncturing the back of Kennedy’s head, straight through to Governor Connelly, wounding him severely. An abundance of witness accounts clearly state that they heard shots elsewhere, and were told to be quiet about this, the shot Oswald would have had to make was impossible, Oswald was murdered two days after his arrest, the Zapruder film disproves the idea of the lone gunman, and there were many falsifications in the stories of Oswald and investigators about what happened that day, what weapon was used in the murder, the brain description, and what happened in interrogation. The lack of paperwork itself should have been enough to sway the opinions of a higher authority that there was something wrong with the investigation. Even when researching this topic, it is still not even clear what did happen on that horrible day. The Warren Commission, along with the Dallas Police, the FBI, and many other organizations, did an atrocious job of properly investigating and documenting the investigation of this assassination. If that is not sufficient, there is the fact that the way the final report claims this assassination happened is not humanly possible. This has been proven by highly trained snipers and well informed authority. Lee Harvey Oswald was not a sniping guru, nor was he the man who by himself killed President John F. Kennedy.

Saturday, September 14, 2019


Today, microscopes are of great importance especially on the field of Biological Science. One of its major use is to determine the sizes of microorganisms which are of great importance in understanding certain biological phenomena. Getting the actual size of microscopic objects such as microorganisms using calibrated eyepiece micrometer is termed micrometer (Echoic, et. Al. , 2000). It is important for investigators across a number of disciplines. A biologist, for example, needs to know the exact size of two organisms to provide an intelligent comparison (I. E.Almoner). The intent of this activity is to create an awareness in proper handling techniques ND correct use of a microscope to students pursuing courses in the field of Biological Sciences. This activity is also intended to teach students microscope calibration techniques. II. Materials and Methods To able to obtain the exact measurement of a specimen, the ocular micrometer should be calibrated first. By doing so, the calibrat ion constant (C) is obtained. To get the calibration constant, a stage micrometer, an ocular micrometer and a microscope is used.The ocular micrometer was placed inside the ocular lens of the microscope and the stage micrometer on the stage. The field was adjusted so that a line in the ocular micrometer is superimposing a line in the stage micrometer. Once this was set, the number of divisions in both micrometers from the first superimposing lines to the next line that superimposed was counted. The number of divisions in the stage micrometer was divided by the divisions in the ocular micrometer. The quotient was multiplied by pm.The product obtained was the calibration constant. The calibration constant was determined in each of the objective lenses of the microscope. Once the ocular micrometer was calibrated, the pastimes were viewed and measured. The correct measurement was obtained by counting the ocular micrometer divisions occupied by the specimen and multiplying it by the cali bration constant of the objective lens used. The deviation between the measurement should only appear on the decimal places of the figure. Ill. Results and Discussion Table 1. Calibration Constant Under Different Microscope Objective Lenses Table 1. 0 shows the summary for the computed calibration constant under the high power objective (HOP) and the the low power objective (LOOP). Under the HOP, the umber of divisions in the ocular micrometer between the two superimposing lines is four while on the stage micrometer it is five. Dividing five by four, the value 1. 25 is obtained. This is not yet the calibration constant. The value 1. 25 should be multiplied by Imp to get the C.By doing so, we get 12. Pm as the C under the HOP. For the LOOP the recorded stage micrometer division is five while the ocular micrometer division is fifteen. Dividing five by fifteen we get the value 0. 3333. Multiplying this value by pm, we get a C of 3. Amp under the LOOP. The calibration constant differ en der different magnifications. Table 2. 0 Size Measurement of Amoeba through Calibrated Ocular Micrometer MOD* Size (MOD X ICQ Average Length HOP 61 203. Apron 203. 531 pm LOOP 16. 3 203. PRNG Width 15 49. 995 pm 49. 98 pm 4 pm *OMG)- Ocular Micrometer Divisions Since the ocular micrometer was already calibrated, the exact measurement of the specimen can now be obtained. A prepared slide of Amoeba is used as the first specimen. Two dimensions was measured in the specimen, the length and the width. For the length, the specimen occupies 61 MOD under the HOP and 16. 3 MOD under the LOOP. Multiplying the MOD by the C, we get the exact size of the specimen. Under the HOP, the exact length is 203. Pm while on the LOOP it is 203. Pm. By averaging we get 203. 31 pm as the exact length of the first specimen. Same process was done with the measurement of the width. Under the HOP, 15 MOD was occupied providing a measurement of 49. Pm. For the LOOP, four MOD was occupied providing a measurement of pm. By getting the average we get 49. Pm as the exact width of the specimen. Table 2. 1 Size Measurement of Radiogram through Calibrated Ocular Micrometer 101 336. 663 337. 067 27 337. Apron 6 86. Mom 86. Mom 6. 9 86. PRNG For the second specimen, a prepared slide of Radiogram was used.The measurement procedure was Just the same to that of the Amoeba (specimen 1). For the length, under the HOP, the Radiogram occupies 101 MOD giving a size of 336. Pm. Under the LOOP it occupies 27 MOD equivalent to a size of 337. Pm. By averaging, we get 337. Pm for the length of the specimen. For the width, the specimen occupies 26 MOD under the HOP which is equivalent to 86. Pm. Under the LOOP, 6. 9 MOD was occupied giving a size of 86. Pm. We get 86. Pm for the width of the specimen.

Friday, September 13, 2019

The Overview of a Documentary Film about New York City Movie Review

The Overview of a Documentary Film about New York City - Movie Review Example The essay "The Overview of a Documentary Film about New York City" talks about the overall impression of the film and how the character of the city of New York is presented in the film. The film gives the impression of various perspectives by taking into consideration the events of the period in regard to a diverse journalist, historians, and corresponding politicians. The New York City comes across as the main architecture the conviction of the five boys in regard to the police racial discrimination on the minorities' blacks. It is evidence on the haste judgment by the police in respect to forcing their underlying confessions and later within the press that documentary meticulously details with a deep, credible schedule. Eventually, the lives of the victims are adversely affected that of Meili mostly. The race aids in depicting the cultural and ethnopolitical leanings of the day to day events. It also assists in uncovering the racial strains amidst the police and the similar ethnic minorities in respect to the fervor and rioting occurrence. Women are depicted as the endangered species within the society that ought to be safeguarded and offered with constant protection from bad people within the organization. It is evidence when the boys admit they perform the role of committing a crime in the New York City mainly to female counterparts. Social class plays the significance role in the determination of events within the society and legal institutions that are the American elites.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Analysis of Tesco Christmas Advert 2014 - Lights on Essay

Analysis of Tesco Christmas Advert 2014 - Lights on - Essay Example The ad ends with a tagline â€Å"Every Little Helps Make Christmas†. Tesco seems to be shifting from its messaging, which has been price-based in the past, to focusing on customers and how the supermarket can help customers over the Christmas period (Butler & Sweney, 2014: p1). The ad seeks to celebrate Christmas and the excitement that the Christmas season brings to customer, as well as Tesco’s focus on aiding the country’s citizens in useful and fun ways. Tesco’s advertising and marketing throughout the 2014 season has been based on price, especially in promoting their money-saving schemes and lower prices. However, it has been noted that this barely helped to improve Tesco’s sales, as the supermarket has been one of the worst performers in the sector with sales dropping by 3.6% in the third quarter of 2014. As a result, their new ad has sought to focus on the customer (Butler & Sweney, 2014: p1). The Tesco advertisement can be analyzed using Cialdini’s weapons of influence, in this case using the weapons of reciprocity, social proof, and liking. Cialdini (2001; p132) identifies reciprocity as one of the weapons of influence, contending that if a request is preceded by a gift that the individual did not expect, then the marketer has a better chance of convincing potential clients. In this case, the customer will feel the importance of returning the marketer’s favour. Tesco uses scenes of their staff aiding customers visiting their supermarket to choose their Christmas decorations, which they hope customers will view as a favour and will reciprocate by buying Christmas decorations from Tesco. Social norms compel people to reciprocate a favour with another (Rodgers & Thorson, 2013: p29). As such, the narrator in the Tesco ad claims that Tesco is there to help customers every step of the way during the Christmas season, making it more likely that

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

History of Maya Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

History of Maya - Essay Example In the warm climate ÃŽ ¿f the Maya area, clothing as protection from the elements had never been a necessity. Maya clothing was used as decoration and the most spectacular clothes were for the priest. The Maya personages wore large ear plugs, necklaces, breastplates, ornaments attached to the nose, lips, waist, legs, arms, all were used for resplendent effect. Mayan peasants wore very little. The men had a simple loincloth or rather a band ÃŽ ¿f material that went once around their waist and then between their legs. Some at least possessed deerskin moccasins. The women had two garments a length ÃŽ ¿f decorated cloth with holes cut for head and arms, known as a kub. Man and women used a heavier square ÃŽ ¿f cloth known as a manta, which served as an overwrap on cold days, and as a night time blanket. The mantra was used as a curtain across the doorway. Cotton and sisal were cultivated on a considerable scale, and weaving was one ÃŽ ¿f the main occupations ÃŽ ¿f Mayan women. Authorities think that cotton was reserved for nobility and priests. While the dress ÃŽ ¿f the peasants was simple, that ÃŽ ¿f the nobility was much more colorful and elaborates. Although their clothing was sparse, the Maya were fond ÃŽ ¿f personal adornment. The ordinary people wore ornaments ÃŽ ¿f bone, shell, wood, and stone in their ears, noses, and lips. For people in the higher rank, the decorations were ÃŽ ¿f metal or jade. They also filed their teeth into points and sometimes covered them with plates ÃŽ ¿f what were to them precious stones. ... The Maya personages wore large earplugs, necklaces, breastplates, ornaments attached to the nose, lips, waist, legs, arms, all were used for resplendent effect (Brainerd 68). Mayan peasants wore very little. The men had a simple loincloth or rather a band f material that went once around their waist and then between their legs. Some at least possessed deerskin moccasins. The women had two garments a length f decorated cloth with holes cut for head and arms, known as a kub. Man and women used a heavier square f cloth known as a manta, which served as an overwrap on cold days, and as a night time blanket. The manta was used as a curtain across the doorway. Cotton and sisal were cultivated on a considerable scale, and weaving was one f the main occupations f Mayan women. Authorities think that cotton was reserved for nobility and priests. While the dress f the peasants was simple, that f the nobility was much more colorful and elaborates (Whitlock 43). Although their clothing was sparse, the Maya were fond f personal adornment. The ordinary people wore ornaments f bone, shell, wood and stone in their ears, noses and lips. For people in the higher rank, the decorations were f metal or jade. They also filed their teeth into points and sometimes covered them with plates f what were to them precious stones, such as obsidian, iron pyrites and most valuable f all jade. Paint was used lavishly on their bodies, and was applied by means f pottery shards dipped in the paint pot. The colors f the paints had significance. The Maya also practiced tattooing (Whitlock 44). Mayan villagers were overall well organized. The families had a certain distribution f land. Probably, each f the habitants

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

WRITTEN PAPER Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

WRITTEN PAPER - Essay Example Given the nature of options available, the selection of role model for the given field will be Oprah Winfrey. Being a gifted and talented personality herself, various attributes of given global context such as emergence of feminism and counter culture, technological advancement and development of tabloid talk shows as an accepted genre, allowed her to progress well in her career. Oprah Winfrey managed to emerge as a leading brand name from a local radio station to a news channel and then the TV show having a viewership of millions per episode (Garson, 2004). Despite a troubled childhood, Oprah began working as an anchor in the local TV station however the monotony offered by this position pushed her to move foreword to another chat show with declining ratings. Her communication style and ability to relate to audience made the ratings spiked within months. The resultant was a creation of a leading TV show which was her own product called the Oprah Winfrey show that ran for over twenty five years (Garson, 2004). Another important name on her credentials is The Oprah Winfrey book club whose credibility has driven many authors and their work to top selling charts (Ward, 2011). Other than that, she has also worked in several movies as well. Although Oprah appears to be a media person however her PR strategies and ability to promote transparent journalism are some of the traits required for being an effective international communication strategist or a policy maker for global clients. After using TV as a medium for leaving her mark, she moved onto print media and has launched a women’s magazine with the name O followed by a launch of a radio station. It can be seen that Oprah has fully utilized all media at the right times to reach her viewers. However, more than the selection of right media at the right time, she has presented herself as a media personality who is reliable and responsible and can be trusted by audience. Her major

Monday, September 9, 2019

Principles of economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Principles of economics - Essay Example Some of the alcoholic drinks are treated as ‘loss leaders’, the drinks whose prices are set below the cost of producing them. This is done to attract more customers. The setting of ‘floor price’ would ensure that a minimum price level is set for the alcoholic drinks and the retailers would be bound to set their prices not below the minimum price level. This is intended to increase price of those drinks in particular whose prices are below the minimum level. With the rise in price, the demand for the drinks is expected to fall thereby floor price setting would act as an effective measure to reduce alcohol abuse. The other contention about this issue is to put a limit on the availability of licenses to the retailers. The lesser the number of retailers, the lesser would be the availability of the alcoholic drinks. Shortage of the commodity would raise its price and people’s ability to purchase would fall (Hou, 2010). However, these solutions bring in other problems. For some binge drinkers alcoholic drinks are giffen goods for which there is less or no substitute. Hence due to a rise in price they would reduce consumption of other goods to maintain the consumption of alcohol at the previous level. Limited supplier of drinks would also bring a similar effect. For the normal drinkers alcohol is a normal good and increase in price of alcohol would impel them to reduce consumption of alcohol but at the same time reduce their purchasing power just as the case of price rise of any normal consumer good (Hou, 2010). Answer: Prescription drugs are normal goods and their quantity demanded increases with fall in price. It has positive income elasticity. Therefore, if the price of prescription drugs rises, the purchasing power of the consumers fall thereby reducing the demand for other goods and services. 3. Formulate a reason why the elasticity of demand is an important consideration when analyzing the impact of a shift in supply and why the

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Immigration in the US Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Immigration in the US - Essay Example Many Americans are of the view that the growing crime rates in America is caused by the growing immigrant community in America. At the same time, American authorities are not ready to accept the allegations against America’s changing immigration policies. In their opinion, majority of America’s immigration policies remain the same even though the security measures were strengthened because of growing terrorism related problems. In this paper, I argue that racial profiling exists in current immigration policies of America. Immigration to America was intensified in the nineteenth century because of industgrial revolutions in America. â€Å"Majorities of immigrants came during the 1820s - 1890s were mostly from Ireland and Germany. Famine and poverty in Ireland, and political upheaval in Germany brought about five million immigrants† (Immigration and Industrialization in the Nineteenth century). Mexicans were another prominent community which started to migrate to A merica in the nineteenth century because of poor domestic administration, low wages, poverty, increasing population etc in their home country. The proximity of America with Mexico helped Mexicans to cross the border legally and illegally. Moreover, racism was prevailing in America in the nineteenth century which forced them to accept immigrants only from Christian countries and block people from all other countries. â€Å"Racism against the Asians were much worse than anything seen on the east coast and in 1882 the United States even passed a law prohibiting Chinese laborers from entering the United States at all (The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882)†(Anderson). However, the scenario has changed a lot in the twentieth century after the abolitions of slavery and racism in America. Many Hindus and Muslims from India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Middle East etc like countries started to migrate to America because of various reasons. These diverse communities never bothered to integrate i nto American culture. They spoke their own languages and celebrated their own celebrations. Thus, American culture started to disintegrate as a result of diverse population. Rouse et al. (2010) have pointed out that â€Å"one of the primary concerns raised by many Americans is that the influx of immigrants has a potentially negative effect on American culture, particularly if these immigrants are not willing to conform to the American way of life† (Rouse et al., p.860). American culture is entirely different from the cultures of other parts of the world. Irrespective of the differences in religious beliefs, people of different religions stayed in harmony in America until recent times. However, the scenario has changed a lot after 9/11 incident. Even innocent and well known Muslim people are undergoing severe harassments in America at present. For example, India’s former president and world famous nuclear scientist APJ Abdul Kalam and Bollywood celebrity Shah Ruk Khan f orced to undergo body scanning in American airports recently. â€Å"It is worth mentioning that when former President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam boarded and Air India flight on September 29, 2011 at New York’s JFK Airport, he was frisked twice† (US airport security measures and double frisking of Kalam). At the same time Christian dignitaries from other countries are not facing such harassments in American airports. The above facts clearly suggest that racial profiling is currently going on in America in the name of terrorism. Arizona has